Monday, May 20, 2019

Good Night! Sleep Tight!

Image result for bedtime night sky

This week we are talking about bedtime and the night sky.

Table activities include a night sky sensory bin, design your own pajamas, star painting, drawing constellations with chalk or white crayons, and day and night sky drawing.

Small group include decorating your own pillowcase and bed and blanket pictures.

KDIs for the week are-

Healthy behavior: Children engage in healthy practices.-good sleep is so important to our growing brains and bodies!

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.-What do we see and hear during the day and what do we see and hear at night?  

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Pentecost. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went to Jerusalem to wait for the Counselor or Holy Spirit. Ten days after Jesus ascension, the disciples were in a locked room and the sound of a loud wind came, even though there was no wind, and tongues of fire appeared on the head of each disciples. Crowds heard the noise and gathered outside of the house where the disciples were gathered. They had been in Jerusalem for  a festival from many different countries and when the disciples went out to them, they were able to speak in many different languages so the people could understand them. Peter was given boldness to stand before them and tell them about Jesus, about how he had been crucified because of us and how he had risen from the dead. The people wanted to know how they could be saved. He told them to repent and be baptized and over 1000 people became believers that day! The disciples are following Jesus directions and spreading the good news to all people!

Books of the week- "Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Mem Fox, "The Sleep Book" by Dr. Seuss and "Goodnight Everyone, Goodnight" by Harriet Ziefert.

On Wednesday, wear your pajamas for our Pajama Day!!

We have a guest joining us this week- It is Lydia Schultz, sister of our kindergarten teacher, Maggie Schwartz. Lydia is studying to be a preschool teacher and is doing some of her early field experience with us! Welcome Miss Schultz!

Next week is graduation at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 29th! We do have school that day!!!

Next Friday is a water fun day! Preschoolers are welcome to attend with their parents. The water fun starts at about 10:15 followed by a picnic lunch. Hope to see you there!

Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, May 13, 2019


Image result for Number

This week we are looking at and counting a lot of numbers!

Table activities include a plate number full of pompoms, painting with sponge numbers, unifix number towers and number dotters.

Small group activites are placing numbers in order and tracing number symbols for our journals.

KDIs for the week are-
Number words and symbols: Children recognize and use number words and symbols.- Children match the spoken word for the number.

Counting: Children count things.- We also work on realizing what each number means- an amount of something.

We also worked on some number sense- what can you do with numbers? You can add them together, take them away, divide them into even piles, when you have a certain number as long as you don't take any or add any, however they are arranged, it is still the same number!

Jesus Time- Our story this week takes place 40 days after Easter. Jesus calls his disciples to meet him on a hill outside Jerusalem. There he instructs them to go and tell the good news to the whole world and gives them the comfort that he will always be with them, no matter where they go! After he says this, he is lifted up into heaven. The disciples stand there, watching him, until two angels ask why they are looking up into the sky. They assured the disciples that this same Jesus will come back to take us to heaven someday. The disciples went to wait in Jerusalem until Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to them at Pentecost.
We are still waiting for Jesus to come back! He is with us as we do the job he has given us to do- Go tell the good news!

This Wednesday is our Detroit Institute of Art field trip! Please meet there by 9:30. Here is some parking information-
Museum Parking Lot: A lighted, secured parking lot is located east of the DIA. Located on John R. St., south of Kirby St. and north of Warren Ave. Daily parking rate is $7; cash and credit cards are accepted.
Valet: Valet is not currently available.
Wayne State University Parking: Two parking structures operated by Wayne State University are within a short distance of the DIA:
Rackham parking structure is located on Warren Ave, East of Warren and West of Woodward Ave. Credit cards only.
Welcome Center parking structure is located on Putnam St., just west of Woodward Ave. Credit cards only.
Street Parking: The City of Detroit has metered street parking located around the DIA. Parking is limited to a maximum of two hours. The DIA’s Parking Zone is 202. To pay, visit a kiosk or download the “Park Detroit” app(opens in new window).

Hope to see you all there! Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, May 6, 2019

Image result for Kite flying

This week we are learning about wind and the letter Ww.

Table activities are designing pinwheels, adding beads to the tail of a kite, blow painting, making windsocks, windchimes  and fans to make wind.

Small group activities are designing a kite, flying foam flyers in the wind, and adding Ww is for wind to our journals.

KDIs for the week are-

Gross-motor skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles- making our kites fly and flying foam aircraft demand timing and flexibility.

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- Observing the effect of something unseen on the world around us.

Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds. - We have now been introduced to every letter and sound they make. 

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Thomas. Thomas was one of Jesus' disciples, one of the group of 12 closest to Jesus. When Jesus appeared to the group of disciples in a locked room on Easter evening, Thomas was not there. The Bible never tells us why, but he didn't get the chance to see Jesus that day. When Thomas later returned, the disciples excitedly told him that the Lord had appeared to them. Thomas did not believe them. He chalked it up to grief and refused to admit they had really seen the risen Jesus. Thomas stated that he would not believe unless he put his fingers in the nail marks in Jesus' hands and his hand in the spear wound in Jesus' side, he would not believe. A week went by and we find the disciples locked in the upper room again, this time Thomas was with them. Jesus appeared, assured the disciples of his peace and went right up to Thomas. He told Thomas to go ahead, put his fingers in the nail marks, his hand in his side, stop doubting and believe. Thomas immediately fell to his knees and proclaimed, " My Lord and my God." Jesus called him blessed because he believed, but proclaimed that those who have not seen and yet believe are even more blessed! That's us, we haven't seen Jesus, but we believe in him through the work of the Holy Spirit! 

Books of the week- "Miss Maple's Seeds" by Eliza Wheeler, "Bringing the Outside In" by Mary McKenna Siddals, "Flora's Very Windy Day" by Jeanne Birdsall and "The Wonky Donkey" by Craig Smith.

You should have received the attendance slip for the DIA field trip next Wednesday. Please return by Wednesday.

No School this Friday, May 10th. There is a big school track meet, so they have no school and siblings and children of preschoolers and staff ;) are participating.

Have a super week!!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, April 29, 2019

How does your garden grow?

Image result for gardens and kids

This week we are concentrating on learning about and exploring plants and gardening!

Table activities include playing in dirt with garden gloves, pots and worms, "planting and picking" vegetables in our box garden, investigating seeds and flowers, playdough flower and plant mats.

Small group activites include making a "garden in a glove", yarn flowers and adding a plant page to our journal.

KDIs for the week are-

Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- How does a seed become a plant?

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - What do leaves and seeds look like up close, inside?

Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment. - How do we work together with plants? 

Jesus Time- This week we hear about two disciples who left Jerusalem the Sunday after Jesus was crucified. They were very discouraged and were talking about all the events that transpired on Good Friday and the strange story they had heard that morning, Jesus was no longer in the tomb! What was going on!? Had someone stolen Jesus' body, was he really alive, like the women said the angel told them? They were so confused. They were walking to the town of Emmaus, a few miles outside of Jerusalem, when someone began to walk with them. He asked what they were talking about and they were surprised he hadn't heard! They told him all about Jesus, how they hoped he was the Messiah. He brought up Old Testament prophecies, showing how Jesus fulfilled each one. The disciples arrived at Emmaus and were entering an inn to have a meal. The man who had joined him seemed as if he were still walking on when they invited him to join them. As they sat down to the meal, the stranger as to bless the food. As he lifted the bread to break and bless it, their eyes were opened, and they realized they had been walking and talking with the risen Jesus!! He disappeared and they left their meal and sprinted all the way back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples they had seen Jesus! It was true! Jesus was alive!!

Books of the week- "How Does Your Garden Grow?" by Pat Patterson, "All Kinds of Gardens" by Mari Schuh, "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle and "Lola Plants a Garden" by Anna McQuinn.

Have a great week!!

Mrs. Schneck

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Yy is for yarn

Image result for tangled yarn

This week we are looking for and listening for the initial sound of Yy and playing with yarn.

Table activities include a yarn cutting bin, painting with yarn, wrapping twigs in yarn and lacing with yarn.

Small group activities help us begin a Mother's Day gift (shh!) and we add Yy is for yarn to our journals.

KDIs for the week are-

 Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts.- This is getting better and better as we talk to each other to work things out!

Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play. - Sometimes we play out scenarios that are real, other times that are totally make believe and we are learning to know the difference.

Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles. - We keep building those skills to handle all the writing coming in kindergarten! 

Jesus Time- This week we hear about Jesus rising from the dead. Jesus had been placed in a borrowed tomb, like a cave, on Good Friday. The women did not have time to properly prepare his body for burial, so they planned to return on Sunday morning, after the Saturday sabbath.
Jesus' enemies were concerned that the disciples might try to steal Jesus' body from the tomb and say he was alive, so they asked Pilate to place guards at the tomb to prevent that from happening. Early in the morning on Sunday, an angel appeared like lightning at the tomb. The guards were so frightened, they fainted and then ran away. When the women came towards the tomb, they remembered the large stone and wondered who would help roll it away for them. As they drew nearer, they saw the stone had already been rolled away. One woman, Mary Magdalene, thought Jesus' body had been stolen and was inconsolable. The other women continued on to the tomb where they also saw an angel who asked why they were looking for the living among the dead. "He is not here, he is risen!" is what the angel said. Meanwhile, Mary finds who she thinks is the gardener and asks him if he knows where they put Jesus' body. The man says, "Mary", she lifts her head and realizes it is Jesus! He is alive!!

Books this week are- "Charlie Needs a Cloak" by Tomie dePaola, "Extra Yarn" by Mac Barnett and "Grandma's Knitted Kingdom" by Rachel McRoy.

Taste of Kindergarten visits have begun and so far, lots of fun! Hard to believe it's that time of year already!! Graduation will be here before you know it!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, April 15, 2019

Happy Easter!

Image result for Easter

This week we are talking about Easter and our activities have an Easter theme to them.

Table activities include coloring wooden crosses, playing with plastic eggs and playdoh, decorating paper mache eggs with glue and tissue paper, playing in an Easter bin, plastic eggshell stacking and Easter coloring pages.

Small group activities include cutting out and painting an egg with q-tips, Easter Bingo, and making a hand Easter Lily.

KDIs for the week are-
History: Children understand past, present, and future.- As we listen to our Bible story about Jesus, it's important to put it in time and recognize what it means for us today.

Moral development: Children develop an internal sense of right and wrong- Knowing why Jesus had to go to the cross to save us shows us our sins have consequences.

Emotions: Children recognize, label, and regulate their feelings. - Even Jesus had feelings, God does too.  

Jesus Time- This week we are hearing the story of Jesus going to the cross. We talked about sharing a last meal with his disciples where he gave them a new command - To love each other as he had loved them. Jesus also introduced the last supper or communion there. Then Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane. He prayed to his Father, asking if there were any other way to save the world, but if not , he would do what he needed to do. He was arrested in the garden and taken before the chief priests and leaders and questioned. They took him to Pilate, the Roman governor, where he was mocked and beaten and whipped. Then he was sentenced to death. He died on a cross to save us from our sins. He loved us so much, he took our place and our punishment. We didn't leave him there, we did talk about how he rose from the dead and we will talk about that more next week.

Books of the week- "The Easter Story" by Carol Heyer, "The Easter Story" by Allia Zobel-Nolan, "The Easter Lily Parable" by Liz Curtis Higgs and "Peter Rabbit's Happy Easter" by Crace Maccarone.

We do have school this Good Friday, but we do not have school on the Monday after Easter, April 22nd.

I would also like to start having two students at a time go visit Kindergarten for an hour in the morning- I call it a Taste of Kindergarten. Whether you plan to attend Peace or another school, it just gives a taste of how preschool and kindergarten are different. I will send a schedule home of who is going when.

If you do not want your child to visit kindergarten, please send me a text or email privately- 907-230-6715 or

Have a happy Easter!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, April 8, 2019

Xx is for box

Image result for boxes This week we are listening for the sound of Xx. Since Xx makes it's unique sound in the middle or at the end of words, we are playing with boxes.

Table activities include stacking boxes, designing our own box, coloring inside and outside a huge box and pounding golf tees into boxes.

Small group activities are painting our own treasure box, making a gift and putting it in a box and adding Xx is for boxes to our journal.

KDIs for the week include-
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play- we learn to work together to stack and imagine with boxes.

Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play.- Boxes are open ended, they can be anything, today they were cars, cages for dogs or cats, caves, steps, Mario hideaways- who knows what Wednesday and Friday will bring?

Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language. - even if they are in the middle or end of a word. 

Jesus Time-
This week we begin the stories of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, Jesus was entering into Jerusalem to die. He knew this and went willingly. Recently, Jesus had raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, with that act, the leaders and chief priests knew they had to get rid of him fast. They plotted to have him killed soon. Jesus and disciples headed for Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. On their way, Jesus instructed several disciples to go into a town and take the foal of a donkey. He was fulfilling Old Testament prophecy by riding into Jerusalem on a foal of a donkey. They placed their coats on the donkey and Jesus road in to cheering crowds waving palm branches and shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna to the Son of David!" Hosanna means 'save us'. They knew that Jesus was the Savior, they just weren't sure what kind of savior he was. The chief priests and leaders were upset that Jesus was receiving so much praise and they asked him to quiet his followers. He told them that if he asked them to be quiet, the very rocks would shout out!  We know who Jesus is and we know he is the only one who can save us! Sadly, less than a week later, many of these same people would be shouting "Crucify!" May God keep us in his grace!!

Books of the week- "What to do with a Box" by Jane Yolen and Chris Sheban, "A Box Can Be Many Things" by Dana Meachen Rau and "A Box Story" by Kenneth Kit Lamug.

Image result for Easter eggs
Exciting Easter for Families this Saturday, April 13th from 9-10:30- come use this time to focus on Easter's true meaning and enjoy an Easter egg hunt! Fun for everyone!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, April 1, 2019

Zz is for zoo!

Image result for zoo

This week we are learning about zoos and the letter Zz.

Table activities include making block cages for our zoo animals, zoo animal cookie cutter prints, zoo animal pattern blocks and playdough invitation to create.

Small group activities include drawing our favorite animal, cutting it out and "sewing" them in a cage and adding a Zz is for zoo page to our journal.

This week we are going to the zoo on Wednesday! Hope for great weather! We'll meet in the watertower parking lot if you are not a member, just inside the gates if you are a member. We'll each be given a zoo scavenger hunt and map and go and find at your own pace.

KDIs of the week-
Problem solving: Children solve problems encountered in play.- Children work to find a way to build cages, include and sort animals by which ones would get along, sharing space and animals with each other.

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- Seeing each animal in their habitat and their behavior is great learning! 

Jesus Time- This week we hear about Jesus' too short follower. Jesus had come into Jericho to preach and teach and a man named Zaccheus was very interested. Zaccheus was a tax collector and a dishonest tax collector. He had cheated people out of money and was disliked strongly in his town. But he heard that this Jesus actually ate with other tax collectors, what was different about him. Zaccheus wanted to hear him speak and see for himself, but he was too short. Crowds lined the streets and Zaccheus was blocked everywhere. Finally, he climbed a tree to see above the crowd. When Jesus got to the tree, he stopped, looked up and pointed to Zaccheus- "I'm coming to your house today." Zaccheus scrambled down that tree, invited his friends and heard what Jesus had to say. Zaccheus repented and gave back four times as much as he had stolen as well as giving half his wealth to the poor. The Holy Spirit had worked faith in his heart. Others grumbled that Jesus was going into the house of sinners, but Jesus didn't listen to them. How often do we realize that Jesus doesn't love us because we are good, he loves us because HE is good. We are no better or worse than anyone else and no one deserves God's love, but he freely gives it anyway. How humbling and comforting and how powerful! We have His love to share with others also!

Books for the week- "When We Went to the Zoo" by Jan Ormerod, "Put Me in the Zoo" by Robert Lopshire, "Goodnight Gorilla" by Peggy Rathman and "Inside a Zoo in the City" by Alyssa Satin Capucilli.

See you at the zoo Wednesday and school on Friday!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, March 18, 2019

Superheroes and Spring Break!

Image result for kid superheroes
This week we are doing an emergent theme, that means what we have seen as an interest from the students. Many have been playing superheroes, so that is our topic for the week!

Table activities include superhero puzzles, sensory bin, playing with super structures, superhero creations and coloring pages.

Small group activities include making masks, mini superheroes and adding a page to our journals making ourselves super heroes.

Our KDIs of the week are-
Problem solving: Children solve problems encountered in play. - Superheroes are always solving problems. Encouraging students to find a way to make it work together.

Sense of competence: Children feel they are competent. - Superheroes make mistakes, but they don't give up! Keep trying and you'll succeed!

Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others. Why do superheroes do what they do? Because they care about other people! This week we look for ways to care for each other!

Jesus Time- This week we will hear another parable. We will hear about the runaway son. Jesus tells the story of a young man who was eager to leave his father's house and do things his own way. His older brother stays and helps at home, while he asks for his inheritance early. He takes his money and squanders it on poor choices. Finally he runs out of money and gets a job feeding pigs. He is destitute. He realizes even the servants at his father's estate have it better than he does at that moment. He feels he is no longer worthy to be called a son, but maybe his father will take him back as a servant. He humbly heads home. When his father sees him trudging down the road, he runs to meet him and embraces him in love! He rejoices that he is home and even has a celebration for him. The older son is understandably jealous, he never left. The father explains why he is rejoicing and encourages him to rejoice to, because what was lost is now found. This is how our Father in heaven rejoices when a lost sinner is brought to faith!

Books of the week- "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" and "Even Superheroes Make Mistakes" by Shelley Becker, "Bedtime for Batman" by Michael Dahl, "Good Morning Superman" by Michael Dahl, "Sweet Dreams Supergirl" by Michael Dahl.

This Thursday is our play!! Please be there by 6:15! We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have volunteered to bring snacks or drinks, please bring them on Wednesday!

Invite your friends and family!!
We are soo excited!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, March 11, 2019

Qq is for quarter

Image result for fractions

This week Qq is for quarters, We are listening for the Qq sound and also trying to figure out fractions.

Table activities this week include making playdough pie and cutting it into pieces, putting foam shapes back together that have been made into fractions.

Small group activities are making paper plate pizza and cutting it into quarters and adding a Qq to our journal.

KDIs for the week include-

Part-whole relationships: Children combine and separate quantities of objects.- What portion of it is it? How much is there all together?

Measuring: Children measure to describe, compare, and order things.- Is 1/2 more than 1/4? What do 1/2 plus 1/2 make?

Jesus Time- Our story this week is a parable that Jesus told to his disciples and his challengers defining who our neighbor is and how we should treat them. Jesus told the story of a man traveling on the road who was attacked by robbers. They stole his belongings, beat him up and left him for dead. A pastor walked by. Instead of helping the injured man, he walked as far away from the man as he could. Another helper in the church walked by, he also stayed as far away from the man as he could. Then a Samaritan walked by. The Samaritans and Jews disliked each other. The injured man was a Jew, why should a Samaritan help him. The Jews thought the Samaritans were no good?! Yet the Samaritan stopped, washed the man's injuries, wrapped him in his own cloak, loaded him on his horse and took him to an inn. There he paid the innkeeper room and board to take care of the man and even stopped on the way back to check on him. Who was the man's neighbor? The one who helped him. Jesus makes a point to show how upside down his thinking is- Love your friend- no, love your enemy. Be kind to those who are mean to you. This, the hard thing, this is how we show our love for our Savior and how he showed his love for us!

Books of the week- "Full House" by Dale Ann Dodds and "Give Me Half" by Stuart J. Murphy.

No School this Friday, March 15th. Parent-Teacher conferences. Next week- Musical Performance on Thursday, March 21st at 6:30!! Be there by 6:15- you will love it!!

Have a fantastic week! I think spring is finally here!!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Kk is for kitten

Image result for kittens

This week we are listening to and looking for the letter Kk.

Table activities include threading buttons on pipe cleaners, playdough mat cats, Pete the Cat slime, making cat faces, cat coloring pages and making kitten toys.

Small group activities include coloring a cat with Craypas (oil pastels) and learning to blend colors, painting  a wooden cat and adding Kk is for kitten to our journals.

KDIs for the week are-

Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language.- Kk and Cc can make the same sound, even though they are different letters.

 Art: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through two- and three-dimensional art.- This week we use different media to make art.

Sense of competence: Children feel they are competent.- We are trying to build this more and more as we encourage independence.

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers. Leprosy was a devastating illness in Jesus' day. You were separated from your family and friends because of the danger of contagion. Ten men cried out to Jesus for healing and he had compassion on them and sent them to show themselves to the priest to show that they were cured. As they ran to the priest, one turned around to go back. He sought out Jesus to thank him for the miracle of being healed. Jesus asked, "Weren't there ten men that I healed?" 
How often we forget to thank God for the miracles he does for us every day! Remember to thank Him!!

Books of the Week- "Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons" by Eric Litwin, "Millions of Cats" by Wanda Gag and "Cat's Colors" by Jane Cabrera.

Unfortunately, our field trip for this month did not work out due to scheduling conflicts. We will see if we can get a cat visitor sometime this month!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, February 25, 2019

Nn is for Noodles

Image result for noodles

This week we are playing with and listening for Nn and noodles!

Table activities include playing with various cooked noodles, putting angel hair and spaghetti in colander holes, searching for treasure in dry noodles and making noodle sculptures on pipe cleaners.

Small group activities are making a noodle necklace and adding the page Nn is for noodles to our journal.

KDIs of the week are-

Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language.- Where is the word is the /n/ sound? 

Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles. - Still working on this as we thread noodles on yarn and pipe cleaners and try to slide angel hair into tiny colander holes with out breaking it.  

Jesus Time- This week we hear about Jesus feeding a great crowd of people. Jesus had been teaching people as he walked around the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Now as it is getting close to meal time, they are all far from home or any town and they are starting to get hungry. When a disciple points this out to Jesus, he instructs him to feed the crowd. The disciple balks- "Me? Even if I had an entire years salary, it wouldn't be enough. Not to mention, there is no town nearby that would have enough food for this crowd." There seems to have been about 15,000 people in the crowd. One disciple takes Jesus seriously and sees what he can find. A young boy is willing to share his lunch which is 2 small fish and 5 small loaves of bread. Jesus instructs the people to sit down and he blesses the food. Then he begins to break of pieces and hand them out. The food stretches on and on. He tells the disciples to collect the leftovers once everyone has had their fill and there are 12 baskets left over! The crowd is amazed and wants to make Jesus their "Bread King", they'd never have to worry about food again. But Jesus did not come to be their "Bread King", he came to be their Savior! He disappears from their midst and they return home. How often we seek to make Jesus our bread king, praying for what we want, physical needs, when forgetting to thank him for blessings already received and the faith and trust we really need! And the forgiveness he so freely gives for our misguided priorities. Jesus is our Savior!

Books of the week- "Noodles" by Sarah Weeks and David A. Carter, "Wednesday is Spaghetti Day" by Maryann Cocca-Leffler, and "Today is Monday" by Eric Carle.

Don't forget, Wednesday is Career Day and NO SCHOOL Friday as we cheer our Panther basketball team on to victory in their tournament!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Schneck

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Ee is for experiments!

Image result for experiments

This week we are looking and listening for the letter Ee and experimenting as scientists and researchers. Asking questions, making guesses, looking for answers.

Table activities include exploring with magnets, experimenting with oil and water, a non-Newtonian fluid, and static electricity.

Small group activities are experimenting with oil, water and an "Alka Seltzer" type tablet to make a lava lamp or volcano. Oil is lighter than water, because the seltzer tablet binds with the water to create carbon dioxide, it lifts the water higher than the oil, creating "bubbles" of colored water. Friday we will experiment with colored water, milk and dish soap on Q-tips. As the fats and proteins of the milk molecules interact in different ways with the molecules of detergent and water, they attract and repel them to make interesting color swirls in the milk.

KDIs for the week are-
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas. - Every morning they can try things out and test how things work together.
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen. - During small group we ask for a prediction or hypothesis, and then we test to see if we are right!

Jesus Time- This week we hear a sad story with a very happy ending. In our story a young girl is very sick. Her parents have tried everything to help her get well, doctors, medicine. She just keeps getting worse, feverish, not eating. The little girl's father is even a government official and tapped into every resource he has to no avail. Finally, the father decides to try to find this man, Jesus, that they have been hearing about. He heals people, maybe he can heal his daughter. The man, Jairus, scours the city and finds Jesus. He begs him to come with him to his home to heal his daughter. When they arrive, they are told they are too late, the little girl has died. Jesus tells Jairus not to worry, she is only asleep. The mourners laugh in derision and Jesus asks them to leave. He takes Jairus, his wife, Peter, James and John into the room where the little girl does indeed lie dead on her bed. Jesus takes her hand in his and says, "Little girl, get up." AND SHE DOES! He has healed her, completely. He tells her mother to get her something to eat and drink and tells all those present to keep this miracle a secret. Jesus wants people to follow him because of the words he speaks, not the miracles he performs. Jesus loves and cares for his people!

Books of the week- "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" by Joanna Cole, "Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein" by Don Brown and "Ada Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts.

Tomorrow is the Field Trip to Ann Arbor Hands On Museum- Meet you there at 10am!

Next week is Spirit Week and we have dress up days and NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MARCH 1!

Monday is Hat Day- wear your craziest or favorite hat!
Wednesday is Career Day- What do you want to be when you grow up?

Have a terrific week!!!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, February 11, 2019

Vv for Valentines!

Image result for valentines

This week we are listening for the Vv sound and looking for Vv for Valentines!

Table activities include coloring wooden hearts, making Valentine volcanoes, drawing hearts, playing in a Valentine sensory bin, making bead hearts and decorating foam hearts.

Small group activities include making our bag for our Valentines, handing out and receiving Valentines and adding a Vv is for Valentines page to our journals.

KDIs for the week-
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles.- Lots of peeling stickers, coloring, stringing beads in our activities this week.

Art: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through two- and three-dimensional art.- creating Valentines for those they love this week. 

Jesus Time- This week we hear the miracle of Jesus calming the storm. Jesus had been preaching, teaching and healing all day. He and the disciples were crossing to the other side of the Sea of Galilee and Jesus fell asleep on a cushion in the back of the boat. A storm blew up, and the disciples became frantic. Keep in mind that at least four of his disciples were fishermen who had experienced storms before. They thought they were going to drown, and Jesus slept on. Finally they woke him up and asked, "Don't you care that we are about to die?" Jesus shook his head, their faith was still so weak. They had seen miracles and heard his teaching, and still didn't trust him! He stood at the front of the boat and with three words, "Peace! Be still!" calmed the storm. He stands with us in the storms of life and calms them for us. Trust him, don't worry! He is with us always!

Books of the week- "Pete the Cat: Valentine's Day is Cool" by Kimberly and James Dean, "I Love Hugs" by QEB publishing, "How Spider Saved Valentine's Day" by Robert Kraus.

We will hand out Valentines on Wednesday of this week.

Field trip to Ann Arbor Hands on Museum on Thursday, February 21st! Return slips by this Friday.

NO SCHOOL next Monday for Presidents Day and Pastor/Teacher conference.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, February 4, 2019

Ll is for all our letters

Image result for ABC's

We are hoping to have a normal week of school and finally finish our review of all the letters we've covered so far this year!

Table activities for the past three weeks are magnetic letters, letters in bubbles, matching foam letters, ABC activities, paint dot letters, letter coloring pages, hole punch letter match, catching magnetic letters with magnet wands, making pattern block and duplo letters and matching lettes with clothespins.

Small group activities are letter/sound match, painting the letter that begins our name, circling the letter and adding our letter to our journal.

KDIs for the week are-

 Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds.- We are working hard on this every day!

Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language. - which sounds are the same? 

Jesus Time- This week we hear about a man who couldn't walk. His friends heard about Jesus and the miracles that he could do and they heard the great news that Jesus was visiting their town. So they took their friend on a stretcher to see Jesus. The house that Jesus was teaching and preaching in was so crowded that they couldn't fit. They weren't about to give up. They carefully carried their friend up to the roof, once there, they moved some tiles and lowered their friend down, right in front of Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said,"Be happy, your sins are forgiven." When the leaders who were there grumbled about Jesus forgiving his sins, Jesus showed that he was God by telling him to rise up, take up his mat and go home. People were astonished, Jesus had healed a man who was paralyzed completely! 

Books of the week are "Animalia" by Graeme Base, "Eating the Alphabet" by Lois Ehlert and "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault. The last two weeks we read "R is for Robot: A Noisy Alphabet" by Adam F. Watkins, "alphabet adventure" by Audrey Wood and "Amazon Alphabet" by Martin and Tanis Jordan.

We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 13th. I will send a list of names via email. We may have some cookies and punch, but most of the time will be spent passing out Valentines!

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, January 14, 2019

Uu is for upside-down!

Image result for kids hanging upside down

This week we are experimenting with upside down and listening for the sound of Uu.

Table activities include stacking upside down cups, coloring on an upside down table, weaving on upside down table legs, coloring upside down pictures and turning cups and bowls upside down in water play.

Small group activities are using our muscles to put large rubber bands on upside down chair legs making squares, triangles and x's, and then taking them off again and adding a Uu to our journals. On Wednesday, our visit from the Leslie Science Center from 9:15-10:00 will take the place of our small group.

On Wednesday we will learn about how animals get ready for winter! Parents are welcome to come watch. Still drop off and pick up at the usual times.

KDIs of the week are-
Body awareness: Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space.- We tried turning our bodies to look upside down at our names written upside down on the board, hung upside down on a chair to throw a ball, weird ways our bodies may not have moved before.

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - Leslie Science Center will help us with this concept! 

Jesus Time- Now we move ahead until Jesus is twelve years old and attending Passover in Jerusalem with his parents for the first time. Jesus and his extended family travel from Nazareth to Jerusalem to spend a week worshiping at the temple and visiting with each other. When it is time to return to Nazareth, Jesus is not with Mary and Joseph, but they assume he is traveling with family or friends making their way back home. When night comes and Jesus still isn't around, they become worried and return to Jerusalem to find him. They searched the city for three days. When they finally find Jesus, he is sitting in the temple fielding questions from the scribes and elders, who are amazed at the knowledge of this young boy. Mary and Joseph ask him why he worried them by disappearing. He stated that he had to be about his Father's business. Jesus was reminding them who he was and why he came, not to be a carpenter in Nazareth, but to be the Savior of the world. He went home with them and the Bible tells us that he grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. Jesus does what he needs to do to accomplish our salvation, living a perfect life and dying an innocent death. He was both true man and true God.

Books for the week- "Round-trip" by Ann Jonas, "Silly Sally" by Audrey Wood and "Upside Down Day" by Julian Scheer.

Wednesday we have our visit from Leslie Science and Nature Center from 9:15-10:00 and on Tuesday, January 22nd, all are welcome to join us at Airtime on Warren Rd from 9:45-12:15 for a school wide field trip on the trampoline!

Have a super week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, January 7, 2019

Jj is for the jungle!

Image result for jungle
This week we are learning about Jj and what lives in the jungle!

Table activities this week include creating paper animals with animal print paper, stamping with animal feet, creating a jungle scene with stamps or playdough, figuring out where in the jungle certain animals live and jungle sensory play.

Small group activities are creating a jungle rain stick, a snake paper plate and adding Jj is for jungle to our journal.

Our KDIs of the week are-

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. As we learn about animals and the climate of the jungle, we learn about the world.

Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events.- Which animals live in a jungle? Which do not?

Jesus Time-
This week we hear about the Wise Men or Magi who come from so far away to praise and worship the Savior of the world! When Jesus was born a large, bright star appeared in the sky. Several wise men from the east saw that star and decided to follow it where ever it lead. We can only guess that they heard the promise of a Savior perhaps from Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego or maybe Daniel in the Old Testament. They followed the star for almost a year when they reached Jerusalem. It made sense to them that if there was a newborn king, he would be in the capital city. They asked around seeing if anyone knew anything about a king. Word of their arrival reached King Herod, who was a very wicked king. He certainly knew nothing about a new king and was not about to lose his throne. He called the wise men before him and asked what they knew and what they were looking for. Through his own wise men, he found out that the new king was to be born in Bethlehem, not far from a Jerusalem. Herod asked them to go worship the newborn king and then return to tell him exactly where this little one was. He was not looking to worship Jesus, but to get rid of a challenger to his throne. The wise men continued to follow the star to Bethlehem where it stopped over a house where Jesus and his family now lived. They entered and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. When they were sleeping, an angel appeared to them and told them to go home a different way so they wouldn't run into Herod again. Then an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, urging him to wake up and take Mary and baby Jesus and flee to Egypt. So God kept Jesus safe and sound, ready to do the job of being our Savior.

Coming up- Next Wednesday, January 16th, Leslie Nature Center will be presenting "How Animals Get Ready for Winter" from 9:15-10:00. We will have regular school besides that presentation, so still arrive at 8:30, but if you'd like to see it too, you are more than welcome.

Also, an all school field trip is taking place on Tuesday, January 22nd. There is no school for us on Monday, January 21st since it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We are invited to go to Skyzone from 9:30-noon. I will let you know more details as soon as I have them!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! Happy 2019! The kids were as amazed as I was that next year will be 2020 and they will all be in kindergarten!

Mrs. Schneck