Monday, November 26, 2018

Oo is for occupation

Image result for occupations What do you want to be when you grow up? What's your mom's occupation or your dad's occupation? This week we are thinking about our occupation and the sound and shape of Oo.

Morning activities include dramatic play to "try out" different occupations such as flower shop, pet shop, post office, airport, library and restaurant.

Small group activities are coloring a picture of yourself dressed for what you want to be, drawing where you'd like to work and putting a picture of you in it and adding a "When I grow up, I want to be... page to our journal.

KDIs for the week include-

Community roles: Children recognize that people have different roles and functions in the community.- As we study occupations, each person does something different for their job.

Diversity: Children understand that people have diverse characteristics, interests, and abilities.- We had lots of different choices today, police officers, artists, ballerinas, veterinarians. 

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Jonah. Jonah was sent to Ninevah by God, but he didn't want to go. He tried to run away from God, boarding a ship that was sailing in the opposite direction of Ninevah. God made a storm come up. Jonah was sleeping in the hold, when the sailors woke him to draw straws and see who God was angry with, he drew the short straw. He told them to throw him overboard, he knew that he was the cause of the storm. When they reluctantly threw him over, the seas calmed and Jonah was swallowed by a huge fish. He spent 3 days inside the fish's belly, cramped, covered in fish slime and seaweed, possibly irritated by stomach acids and he prayed! He repented, and God had the fish cast him out on the shore closer to Ninevah. Jonah went and proclaimed repentance or vengeance on Ninevah. He thought the people wouldn't listen, so after 40 days of preaching, he sat outside the city to wait for it to be destroyed. But they did listen! The king of Ninevah lead his city in repentance so they were not destroyed. Jonah kept complaining and God showed him that he deserved nothing. Everything he had received was a blessing! And so it is with us! WE are so blessed!! Lord, please help us to not complain, especially during this holiday season when our joys so often turn to grumbles and sharp tempers, keep us centered on you and your love for us!

Books of the week- "Roberto, the Insect Architect" by Nina Laden and "Everybody Works" by Shelley Rotner and Ken Kreisler.

We have started learning our song and recitation for our Christmas program. This year it takes place on Sunday, December 23rd. The preschoolers are only asked to do one service, although you can do both if you desire. The services take place at 8:30 or 11:00 am. I will have a sign up sheet out next week. If you are unable to attend, you can let me know on the sign up also.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

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This week we are doing activities around the theme of Thanksgiving!

Table activities this week include making a paper turkey, Thanksgiving themed dot paintings, Thanksgiving pattern blocks and candy corn activities.

For small group this week, we are making a name turkey and adding a "I am thankful for..." page to our journal.

KDIs of the week are-

History: Children understand past, present, and future.- We are talking about why we celebrate Thanksgiving and some of the history of it.

Counting: Children count things. - We'll be counting candy corn and feathers this week. 

Jesus Time- This week we hear another story about a young person helping someone to increase their faith. This week's story is about Naaman and his young servant. Naaman was a general in the army of Aram, one of Israel's enemies. When they had defeated the Israelites, a young girl was taken and she became a slave of Naaman's wife. Naaman had leprosy, an incurable and contagious illness. The young slave girl suggested to her mistress that he go to see the prophet Elisha and be healed. Naaman went to see Elisha with a letter from his king, riches and promises of wealth. When he went to Elisha's house, he was told to go wash in the Jordan River seven times and he would be healed. Naaman thought that wasn't miraculous enough to work. Why didn't Elisha make a big deal of healing him? He grumbled and started to head home. His servants intervened, just give it a try, they urged! So he did wash in the Jordan and he was healed. His skin was like a baby's, smooth and soft!  He returned to Elisha and apologized and confessed his faith. Because of a slave girl's bravery, he believed. 
How often aren't we afraid of what could happen as we share our faith? God is with us!! He will protect us and make His word work wonders!

Books of the week- "Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving" by Dav Pilkey, "Thanksgiving Day Thanks" by Laura Elliot and "Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks" by Margaret Sutherland.

Here is a picture of what your children are thankful for today-

Monday, November 12, 2018

Ff is for feathers

Image result for feathers

This week we are looking at feathers and birds and listening and looking for the letter Ff.

Table activities this week include cutting feathers, carefully putting feathers in colanders, beading on feathers, investigating feathers, cutting paper feathers and coloring pictures of feathers.

Our small group activities include investigating different kinds of feathers- flight feathers, down feathers and feathers for display(like peacocks). We also did an experiment to show how water fowl oil their feathers to keep them dry by putting baby oil on a feather and putting it in water and then putting a plain feather in water. On Wednesday, our feathered friends from Wild Wing Bird Rehab are paying us a visit at 9:30! If you wish to donate to their work, you can bring it on Wednesday. Friday we will add an "Ff is for feather" page to our journal.

KDIs of the week are-
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- We are learning about birds and feathers this week!

Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world. - How do ducks stay dry? How do feathers help birds fly? Why do birds preen? Lots of things to investigate and try to figure out answers for! 

Jesus Time- Last week we heard about Samuel and Hannah. This week, Samuel is an old man and Israel's judge. God tells him to go and anoint a man to be the next king of Israel because that is what the people want. He goes to a man named Jesse's house and looks his sons over one by one. When he gets to the youngest, he asks Jesse if he has anymore sons, and Jesse says he has one more, but he's just a boy and a shepherd. Samuel anoints that young boy, David, as the next king of Israel. Meanwhile, Saul is the king and his army is fighting the Israelites' enemy, the Philistines. The Philistines have a champion, a nine foot tall warrior named Goliath. Goliath goes into the valley between the armies each day and challenges the soldiers of Israel and mocks their one God. David is bringing food for his older brothers, who are in the army, and hears Goliath. He is amazed that no one is going out to fight him! He volunteers! King Saul and the rest try to dissuade him- he's too small, just a boy! Goliath is a seasoned warrior! David is upset about what Goliath is saying about his God and he knows that if he goes to fight Goliath, God goes with him. So he chooses five smooth stones, he goes to meet Goliath with his slingshot. Goliath laughs, thinks it is a joke. David places a stone in the sling, swings it around and lets the stone go. It hits Goliath in the head and sinks in and kills him. David also cuts Goliath's head off with his own sword. God gave David total victory! He is with us in our battles and gives us the victory too!

Books of the week- All the pigeon books I own by Mo Willems, "Have You Seen Birds?" by Joanne Oppenheim and Barbara Reid and "The Perfect Purple Feather" by Hanoch Piven.

Have a fantastic week! Next week is Thanksgiving already!! I can hardly believe it! We have school on Monday and Wednesday! No School Friday! Enjoy your food, family and all other blessings!!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, November 5, 2018

Bb is for bubbles!

Image result for bubbles
We are experimenting with and blowing bubbles this week along with listening and looking for the letter Bb.

Table activities include playing with bubble foam, making bubble wands, blowing bubbles on the table and with found objects, playing with foam letters in bubbles and making bubbles in a cup.

Small group activities include making bubble prints, tensile bubbles and adding a Bb is for bubbles page to our journals.

KDIs of the week are-
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds.-the difference between P and B sound and the print- they should know the difference by the end of the week.

Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play. - What can we pretend? Knowing the difference between pretend and real.

Jesus Time-
This week we hear the story of Hannah and Samuel. Hannah was an Israelite woman who had no children and very badly wanted one. She prayed when she and her husband went to temple for a child. The priest, Eli, heard her sobbing and wondered why she was so sad. When she told him, he assured her that God had heard her prayer and she would have a child. She did have a little boy and named him Samuel. She vowed that she would give him back into the service of the Lord. When Samuel was about 5 years old, she traveled with him to the temple where she talked again to Eli. She gave Samuel into his care. Samuel assisted Eli in the temple, cleaned, prepared the temple for worship and lived there. He worked for the Lord when he was about the age of the children in preschool! We don't have to send our children to live in the back of the church, but they can still do things out of thankfulness to God. Being kind, sharing their possessions, honoring their parents are all ways they can show their love for God!

Books of the week- "The Bubble Factory" by Tomie dePaola, "Pretend" by Jennifer Plecas. We may read other bubble books if I can get them!

Have a beautiful week!
Mrs. Schneck