This week we are learning about reptiles and the letter Rr. We had a reptile visitor today, Stubby, the leopard gecko and hope to have another visitor later in the week!
Our table activities are looking at models of reptiles, pulling snakes out of jello slime, making noodle snakes, alligators in a bubbling swamp, and coloring pages.
For small group, we are making paper plate snakes with lots of scissors skills, a turtle with a mosaic shell and adding the letter Rr to our journals.
Our KDIs of the week are-
Vocabulary: Children understand and use a variety of words and phrases.-We are introducing words that have to do with reptiles- don't be afraid of using "big" words with small children- it greatly enriches their vocabulary and understanding!
Communicating ideas: Children communicate their ideas about the characteristics of things and how they work.- Why is something a reptile? How are reptiles different than other animals? What are their characteristics?
Jesus Time- We skip ahead in our Bible stories. We are still in Egypt, where we left Joseph and his family, but now there is a Pharoah who doesn't remember Joseph. This Pharoah is threatened by the number of Jacob or Israel's family who live in Egypt. He decides to curb the growth of these people by having the baby boys thrown into the river to drown. One Israelite mother, Jochabed, saves her little son. She cares for him for three months, hiding him and trying to keep him quiet, but then he just grows too big! She makes a basket-boat for him and with his big sister watching, sets him to float down the Nile. An Egyptian princess sees the basket and asks one of her servants to fetch it for her. She is surprised to see it is a baby. She wants to keep it and immediately, the baby's sister is there, offering to find someone to care for it for her. She runs to get her mother, who gets to take care of the child until he is about 5 years old. The princess names the baby Moses, which means drawn from the water. At 5 years of age, Moses goes to be raised by the Egyptians in the palace.
God is preparing him for his future!
Books of the week are - "Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile" by Bernard Waber, "The Mixed-Up Chameleon" by Eric Carle and "A Color of His Own" by Leo Lionni.
You should have received an email about Parent-Teacher conferences. They are scheduled for Thursday, October 25 in the evening and Friday, October 26 during the day. We won't have school that Friday. If you didn't receive the email, let me know. I will send it to you!
Fall Festival at Camp Killarney is this weekend! Click on the link for more info!
Also coming up- Trunk or Treat at Peace Lutheran- Saturday, October 27 from 10am-12noon- Come enjoy games and trick or treating!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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