This week we are listening to the short sound of Ii and learning about insects.
Table activities are playing with rubber bugs, making bugs out of paper, painting bugs and color matching bugs.
Small group activities are making a model of an insect- three body parts- head, thorax and abdomen and six legs. Hopefully they came away with some information. On Wednesday we will add an Ii is for insect page to our journals.
KDIs of the week-
Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others.- One of our books puts us in the ant's place and we are encouraged to think of how it would be for someone else if we were in their place.
Book knowledge: Children demonstrate knowledge about books.- Different kinds and formats of books- this week we are reading fiction or pretend books. One is written like a diary.
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about the 10 plagues that God sent to Egypt when Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. God changed water into blood, sent frogs, tiny flies, sickness to the animals, sores, hail, darkness and locusts. Finally God sent the worst plague of all, death of the firstborn. But the Israelites were kept safe through it all. God gave them directions on how to avoid the final plague so the angel of death would pass over their families.
Each time, Pharaoh promised to let God's people go and each time, he changed his mind when the troubles were past. How often we do the same, "God just get me out of this mess and I promise I'll go to church more or read my Bible more." Trouble passes and we forget. God's love for us is constant, it's our love for Him that needs work. Keep trying, don't turn your back on God, he is always there!
Books of the week- "Diary of a Worm" by Doreen Cronin, "Diary of a Spider" by Doreen Cronin, "Some Bugs" by Angela Diterlizzi, "Hey, Little Ant" by Phillip and Hannah Hoose and "How Many Bugs in a Box?" by David A. Carter.
There is no school this Friday because of Parent Teacher Consultations! Surprise!! I forgot to include that on the calendar! Sign up for a time slot if you haven't yet.
Picture Re-take day is this Thursday, October 25th. If you would like a retake, bring your old photos and meet over at church around 8:45.
Next week students can wear their costumes on Wednesday for Halloween and we may even trick or treat at the big school so they can see us! Join us for Trunk or Treat on Saturday from 10-12noon!
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck
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