Table activities include pounding golf tees into pumpkins, making paper jack'o'lanterns, pumpkin playdoh, pumpkin play sensory bin, pumpkin coloring pages and making a pumpkin with beads and a pipe cleaner.
Small group activities are dissecting a pumpkin, decorating a pumpkin and adding a Pp is for pumpkin page to our journal.
KDIs of the week are-
Gross-motor skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles.- Pounding in pegs, bowling with pumpkins, lots of strength and timing used in our play this week.
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language. - Picking out the p's in our speech and making the sound.
Jesus Time- This week we move forward over 40 years. We quickly went over what the Israelites went through in the desert. The parting of the Red Sea when the Egyptians were chasing after them, sending 12 spies into the promised land only to have 10 of them come back and admit defeat and two spies saying that with God's help, they can defeat them. God made them wander in the desert for 40 years because they didn't believe that they could conquer their enemies with his help. Finally after 40 years is over, the Israelites are ready to enter the promised land.
Joshua, one of the believing spies, is in charge now. He shows the Israelites one of the first cities they are going to conquer, Jericho. Jericho is surrounded by a wall as thick as a house. Two spies are sent in to see if it has any weaknesses. They can't find any, but God has a different plan to defeat Jericho. The Israelites will walk around Jericho's walls once a day for 6 days and then on the 7th day, they will walk around it 7 times, blow their horns, shout and the walls will tumble to the ground. They do exactly as God says and it happens!! God gives them the city of Jericho!
Books of the Week- "Inside a House That is Haunted" by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, "Too Many Pumpkins" by Linda White, "Pumpkin Heads" by Wendell Minor and "Pumpkin Pumpkin" by Jeanne Titherington.
Remember that Wednesday we can wear our costumes!!
Have a wonderful week!!