Ee is for experiments! We are going to be doing a lot of experimenting this week and having our visit to the Michigan Science Center!
Table activities this week include- magnet play, baking soda and vinegar play, ramps and friction, oil and water play, blocks and balances and static electricity with balloons and tissue paper butterflies.
Small group activities are all experiments this week- We always start with a guess- what do you think will happen if...? Then we test our guess. We did learn the word hypothesis today!
Lava lamps- we poured baby oil and colored water together, learned that oil and water don't mix and added fizzing cold tablets to make the water go up like a lava lamp.- Why it works-The cold tablets react with the water to produce carbon dioxide gas bubbles. These stick to the water droplets. The water/gas combo is less dense than the oil, so they rise to the top of the glass.
No Leak Bag- We will poke sharpened pencils through a quart ziploc bag filled with water and, viola, no leaks! Why it works -The ziploc bag is made out of a polymer whose molecules are like long strands of spaghetti, when the sharp pencil tip pushes through, the flexible strands form a temporary seal around the pencil.
Rain Cloud experiment- We will partially fill a container with water, then spray shaving foam "clouds" on the top. We will use pipettes to put colored water on top of the clouds and it will eventually leak through the clouds to come out in the clear water, just like rain falls out of clouds when enough water molecules join together for gravity to pull it down.
KDIs of the week-
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas.
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen.
Drawing conclusions: Children draw conclusions based on their experiences and observations. -
It's all about the scientific method this week!
Jesus Time- This week our story is not about a miracle, but about how Jesus reaches out to all sorts of people, even people we don't think he should. Jesus was walking through Jericho and a short man named Zaccheus wanted to see him. Zaccheus was a tax collector, working for the enemy of Rome, and often collected more than he was supposed and pocketed the extra. Zaccheus was too short to see Jesus, so he climbed a tree. As Jesus passed by, he looked up in the tree and called to Zaccheus, "Come down, I'm coming to your house today." The people were surprised! Did Jesus know who this man was and what he had done? After Jesus and Zaccheus visited, Zaccheus was sorry for the way he had lived. He gave half of his goods to the poor and paid back anyone he had cheated four times the amount he had cheated them out of.
Jesus came to save sinners, there is no one past his grace. He loves people we may think unlovable and he can change their hearts!
Field trip to the Michigan Science Center on Thursday. Book order due Friday.
Kindergarten round-up on Tuesday, March 20 from 6:30-8:00. We have a terrific kindergarten program so check it out!!
Also, Saturday, March 24th we are having Easter for Families! Look for a flyer with more information on that coming home on Wednesday!
Our books for this week are "Ada Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts, "What is a Scientist?" by Barbara Lehn, and "Odd Boy Out, Young Albert Einstein" by Don Brown.
Also remember to sign up for Parent Teacher conferences if you wish to at- Parent Teacher conferences
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Schneck
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