Qq is for queen is our letter this week! We are having a royal time!
Our table activities include building castles with blocks and playing with castle figures, making a crown, making a castle from paper shapes, castle coloring sheets and digging for treasure for our color castle.
Small group activities are making a shield, making a sand castle that will last and adding Qq for queen to our journal.
KDIs of the week are-
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language- Q is a tricky letter and we made its sound and talked about it's partner, u.
Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play.-As we build and play in our castles, we take on different roles. We even pretended to joust today on our scooters.
History: Children understand past, present, and future.-The kings and queens of long ago and the kings and queens of today.
Jesus Time- This week our story takes us to the beginning of Holy Week. Jesus is welcomed as a King on Palm Sunday. Jesus plans to go to Jerusalem with his disciples where he knows he will be put to death. The disciples don't really understand what is happening yet. Jesus asks his disciples to go borrow a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem on. A King riding on a donkey symbolized that he was coming in peace. Jesus was coming to make peace between us and God. Jesus rode into Jerusalem, people lined the streets and waved palm branches at him, shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord." They thought that Jesus was coming to overthrow the Romans, but he was really coming to overthrow death, hell and the power of the devil for us. As he rode into the city further, some Pharisees (men who opposed Jesus) criticized his followers. Telling Jesus that he needed to tell them to be quiet. Jesus told them if they were made to be quiet, the very rocks would cry out! Hosanna means 'save us'. Jesus was ready to go to the cross to save us all!
There is a lot going on this week-
Tomorrow, Tuesday is Kindergarten Round-up. Come see what our program is all about from 6:30-8:00pm. Also, last year I gave the preschoolers a chance to have a Kindergarten Sneak Peek where they went to kindergarten in the morning and stayed until about 10am, then they came over to preschool. We haven't done that yet this year because our kindergarten teacher has been on maternity leave. She is returning soon and we will get the chance to have our sneak peeks then!
Thursday and Friday- Parent Teacher Conferences- if you wish to have a conference, please sign up at
Saturday- Easter for Families- Come start your Easter celebration together with the Easter story, crafts, songs, snacks and games that the whole family can enjoy! 9:30-11:30am
Have a fantastic week!
Mrs. Schneck
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