This week we are talking about bedtime and the night sky.
Table activities include a night sky sensory bin, design your own pajamas, star painting, drawing constellations with chalk or white crayons, and day and night sky drawing.
Small group include decorating your own pillowcase and bed and blanket pictures.
KDIs for the week are-
Healthy behavior: Children engage in healthy practices.-good sleep is so important to our growing brains and bodies!
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.-What do we see and hear during the day and what do we see and hear at night?
Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Pentecost. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went to Jerusalem to wait for the Counselor or Holy Spirit. Ten days after Jesus ascension, the disciples were in a locked room and the sound of a loud wind came, even though there was no wind, and tongues of fire appeared on the head of each disciples. Crowds heard the noise and gathered outside of the house where the disciples were gathered. They had been in Jerusalem for a festival from many different countries and when the disciples went out to them, they were able to speak in many different languages so the people could understand them. Peter was given boldness to stand before them and tell them about Jesus, about how he had been crucified because of us and how he had risen from the dead. The people wanted to know how they could be saved. He told them to repent and be baptized and over 1000 people became believers that day! The disciples are following Jesus directions and spreading the good news to all people!
Books of the week- "Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Mem Fox, "The Sleep Book" by Dr. Seuss and "Goodnight Everyone, Goodnight" by Harriet Ziefert.
On Wednesday, wear your pajamas for our Pajama Day!!
We have a guest joining us this week- It is Lydia Schultz, sister of our kindergarten teacher, Maggie Schwartz. Lydia is studying to be a preschool teacher and is doing some of her early field experience with us! Welcome Miss Schultz!
Next week is graduation at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 29th! We do have school that day!!!
Next Friday is a water fun day! Preschoolers are welcome to attend with their parents. The water fun starts at about 10:15 followed by a picnic lunch. Hope to see you there!
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck
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