This week Qq is for quarters, We are listening for the Qq sound and also trying to figure out fractions.
Table activities this week include making playdough pie and cutting it into pieces, putting foam shapes back together that have been made into fractions.
Small group activities are making paper plate pizza and cutting it into quarters and adding a Qq to our journal.
KDIs for the week include-
Part-whole relationships: Children combine and separate quantities of objects.- What portion of it is it? How much is there all together?
Measuring: Children measure to describe, compare, and order things.- Is 1/2 more than 1/4? What do 1/2 plus 1/2 make?
Jesus Time- Our story this week is a parable that Jesus told to his disciples and his challengers defining who our neighbor is and how we should treat them. Jesus told the story of a man traveling on the road who was attacked by robbers. They stole his belongings, beat him up and left him for dead. A pastor walked by. Instead of helping the injured man, he walked as far away from the man as he could. Another helper in the church walked by, he also stayed as far away from the man as he could. Then a Samaritan walked by. The Samaritans and Jews disliked each other. The injured man was a Jew, why should a Samaritan help him. The Jews thought the Samaritans were no good?! Yet the Samaritan stopped, washed the man's injuries, wrapped him in his own cloak, loaded him on his horse and took him to an inn. There he paid the innkeeper room and board to take care of the man and even stopped on the way back to check on him. Who was the man's neighbor? The one who helped him. Jesus makes a point to show how upside down his thinking is- Love your friend- no, love your enemy. Be kind to those who are mean to you. This, the hard thing, this is how we show our love for our Savior and how he showed his love for us!
Books of the week- "Full House" by Dale Ann Dodds and "Give Me Half" by Stuart J. Murphy.
No School this Friday, March 15th. Parent-Teacher conferences. Next week- Musical Performance on Thursday, March 21st at 6:30!! Be there by 6:15- you will love it!!
Have a fantastic week! I think spring is finally here!!
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