This week we are doing an emergent theme, that means what we have seen as an interest from the students. Many have been playing superheroes, so that is our topic for the week!
Table activities include superhero puzzles, sensory bin, playing with super structures, superhero creations and coloring pages.
Small group activities include making masks, mini superheroes and adding a page to our journals making ourselves super heroes.
Our KDIs of the week are-
Problem solving: Children solve problems encountered in play. - Superheroes are always solving problems. Encouraging students to find a way to make it work together.
Sense of competence: Children feel they are competent. - Superheroes make mistakes, but they don't give up! Keep trying and you'll succeed!
Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others. Why do superheroes do what they do? Because they care about other people! This week we look for ways to care for each other!
Jesus Time- This week we will hear another parable. We will hear about the runaway son. Jesus tells the story of a young man who was eager to leave his father's house and do things his own way. His older brother stays and helps at home, while he asks for his inheritance early. He takes his money and squanders it on poor choices. Finally he runs out of money and gets a job feeding pigs. He is destitute. He realizes even the servants at his father's estate have it better than he does at that moment. He feels he is no longer worthy to be called a son, but maybe his father will take him back as a servant. He humbly heads home. When his father sees him trudging down the road, he runs to meet him and embraces him in love! He rejoices that he is home and even has a celebration for him. The older son is understandably jealous, he never left. The father explains why he is rejoicing and encourages him to rejoice to, because what was lost is now found. This is how our Father in heaven rejoices when a lost sinner is brought to faith!
Books of the week- "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" and "Even Superheroes Make Mistakes" by Shelley Becker, "Bedtime for Batman" by Michael Dahl, "Good Morning Superman" by Michael Dahl, "Sweet Dreams Supergirl" by Michael Dahl.
This Thursday is our play!! Please be there by 6:15! We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have volunteered to bring snacks or drinks, please bring them on Wednesday!
Invite your friends and family!!
We are soo excited!
Mrs. Schneck