This week we are looking and listening for the letter Ee and experimenting as scientists and researchers. Asking questions, making guesses, looking for answers.
Table activities include exploring with magnets, experimenting with oil and water, a non-Newtonian fluid, and static electricity.
Small group activities are experimenting with oil, water and an "Alka Seltzer" type tablet to make a lava lamp or volcano. Oil is lighter than water, because the seltzer tablet binds with the water to create carbon dioxide, it lifts the water higher than the oil, creating "bubbles" of colored water. Friday we will experiment with colored water, milk and dish soap on Q-tips. As the fats and proteins of the milk molecules interact in different ways with the molecules of detergent and water, they attract and repel them to make interesting color swirls in the milk.
KDIs for the week are-
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas. - Every morning they can try things out and test how things work together.
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen. - During small group we ask for a prediction or hypothesis, and then we test to see if we are right!
Jesus Time- This week we hear a sad story with a very happy ending. In our story a young girl is very sick. Her parents have tried everything to help her get well, doctors, medicine. She just keeps getting worse, feverish, not eating. The little girl's father is even a government official and tapped into every resource he has to no avail. Finally, the father decides to try to find this man, Jesus, that they have been hearing about. He heals people, maybe he can heal his daughter. The man, Jairus, scours the city and finds Jesus. He begs him to come with him to his home to heal his daughter. When they arrive, they are told they are too late, the little girl has died. Jesus tells Jairus not to worry, she is only asleep. The mourners laugh in derision and Jesus asks them to leave. He takes Jairus, his wife, Peter, James and John into the room where the little girl does indeed lie dead on her bed. Jesus takes her hand in his and says, "Little girl, get up." AND SHE DOES! He has healed her, completely. He tells her mother to get her something to eat and drink and tells all those present to keep this miracle a secret. Jesus wants people to follow him because of the words he speaks, not the miracles he performs. Jesus loves and cares for his people!
Books of the week- "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" by Joanna Cole, "Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein" by Don Brown and "Ada Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts.
Tomorrow is the Field Trip to Ann Arbor Hands On Museum- Meet you there at 10am!
Next week is Spirit Week and we have dress up days and NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MARCH 1!
Monday is Hat Day- wear your craziest or favorite hat!
Wednesday is Career Day- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Have a terrific week!!!
Mrs. Schneck
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