This week we are looking at feathers and birds and listening and looking for the letter Ff.
Table activities this week include cutting feathers, carefully putting feathers in colanders, beading on feathers, investigating feathers, cutting paper feathers and coloring pictures of feathers.
Our small group activities include investigating different kinds of feathers- flight feathers, down feathers and feathers for display(like peacocks). We also did an experiment to show how water fowl oil their feathers to keep them dry by putting baby oil on a feather and putting it in water and then putting a plain feather in water. On Wednesday, our feathered friends from Wild Wing Bird Rehab are paying us a visit at 9:30! If you wish to donate to their work, you can bring it on Wednesday. Friday we will add an "Ff is for feather" page to our journal.
KDIs of the week are-
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- We are learning about birds and feathers this week!
Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world. - How do ducks stay dry? How do feathers help birds fly? Why do birds preen? Lots of things to investigate and try to figure out answers for!
Jesus Time- Last week we heard about Samuel and Hannah. This week, Samuel is an old man and Israel's judge. God tells him to go and anoint a man to be the next king of Israel because that is what the people want. He goes to a man named Jesse's house and looks his sons over one by one. When he gets to the youngest, he asks Jesse if he has anymore sons, and Jesse says he has one more, but he's just a boy and a shepherd. Samuel anoints that young boy, David, as the next king of Israel. Meanwhile, Saul is the king and his army is fighting the Israelites' enemy, the Philistines. The Philistines have a champion, a nine foot tall warrior named Goliath. Goliath goes into the valley between the armies each day and challenges the soldiers of Israel and mocks their one God. David is bringing food for his older brothers, who are in the army, and hears Goliath. He is amazed that no one is going out to fight him! He volunteers! King Saul and the rest try to dissuade him- he's too small, just a boy! Goliath is a seasoned warrior! David is upset about what Goliath is saying about his God and he knows that if he goes to fight Goliath, God goes with him. So he chooses five smooth stones, he goes to meet Goliath with his slingshot. Goliath laughs, thinks it is a joke. David places a stone in the sling, swings it around and lets the stone go. It hits Goliath in the head and sinks in and kills him. David also cuts Goliath's head off with his own sword. God gave David total victory! He is with us in our battles and gives us the victory too!
Books of the week- All the pigeon books I own by Mo Willems, "Have You Seen Birds?" by Joanne Oppenheim and Barbara Reid and "The Perfect Purple Feather" by Hanoch Piven.
Have a fantastic week! Next week is Thanksgiving already!! I can hardly believe it! We have school on Monday and Wednesday! No School Friday! Enjoy your food, family and all other blessings!!
Mrs. Schneck
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