This week we are concentrating on the letter Aa and apples!
Table activities include apple printing, apple orchard sensory bins, sorting apples and apple pie playdough.
Small group activities are comparing and contrasting apples- we tried 8 different kinds
Our KDIs of the week are-
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world-Looking at how apples grow on trees and how apples make more trees- the cycle that God put in place to keep making apple trees!
Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play.- Our apple orchards turned into things we never imagined! A lot of role playing this week- superheros in dollhouses, beans turn into tea, great use of our imaginations!
Jesus Time- Our story this week shows how God keeps his promises, even though sometimes it seems impossible. We are learning about God choosing Abraham to be the beginning of the line that Jesus would be born of someday and the beginning of our family of faith. God instructed Abraham to move to a place that he would show him. He and his nephew Lot followed God to the land of Canaan where they set up their tent homes. They kept sheep and goats and cattle and camels and waited for what God had in store next. God told Abraham to go out and look at the sky and count the stars. God promised Abraham that he would have that many children. Abraham was 90 years old and didn't even have one child yet, but he believed in God's promise. Years later, three men came and visited Abraham, he served them a meal Sarah, his wife, had cooked. They told him that next year at this same time, he would have a child. Abraham was 100. Sarah who was 90 at this time, laughed, overhearing them in the tent. She would have a baby??!! But she did, and God kept his promise. Generation after generation of Abraham's children and grandchildren followed God. Not always perfectly and not always all of them, but enough, that when the time came for his promise of a Savior to be born, he was born of Abraham's family. And we who believe in Jesus as our Savior are also children of Abraham- more that the stars in the sky!!
Books of the week- "The Biggest Apple Ever" by Steve Kroll, "The Apple Pie Tree" by Zoe Hall, and "Under the Apple Tree" by Steve Metzger.
We will see you Wednesday at Plymouth Orchard, 10685 Warren Rd. at 9:30 am- our tour leaves at 9:45, but please be there at 9:30!- This is school for Wednesday- then we will see you at preschool on Friday!
Have a apple-tastic week!!!
Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Oetzel
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