What word starts with "A" and contains all the letters? Some of our preschoolers got this riddle correct this morning, the alphabet!! And that is what we are talking about this week!
Table activities are matching foam letter stickers, playing with magnetic letters, washing letters in soapy water, finding letters in a sensory bin, ABC coloring sheets and making letter shapes with our wax sticks.
Small group activities are listening for initial consonants, today each child was given a letter and had to find an item in the pile that started with that letter, Wednesday we will do the same in reverse- given an item and find the letter it begins with, Friday will be tracing upper and lower case letters for our journal.
KDIs for the week are-
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language.- We are listening for letter sounds.
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds.- Lots of this going on this week.
Reading: Children read for pleasure and information.- Stories go along with our ABC books- just having fun with words and sounds.
Jesus Time- In this week's Jesus time, we review the stories we have heard throughout the year and talk about how Jesus is our good shepherd. We are the sheep, sometimes not very smart, moving along as a group, sometimes we leave those in trouble behind, we go places or do things that can get us into trouble, just like sheep. I talked about seeing a herd of sheep being chased by wild dogs, the sheep didn't fight, just left the weaker ones behind and ran away. Jesus comes are chases off the dogs and helps those in trouble. He leads us in the right way to go, places that are safe that will keep us close to Him. He goes to great lengths to save us, even giving up His own life! What a shepherd we have who will never leave us or forsake us!
Books of the week- "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom" by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, "Alphabet Adventure" by Audrey and Bruce Wood, "Eating the Alphabet" by Lois Ehlert and "A was once an apple pie" by Edward Lear.
This Friday is Literacy Night! Come read in a hammock or in a tent. Pick out some different books, get information on Summer Reading programs at your local libraries and have a snack! From 6:30-8:00 pm.
Next Wednesday, May 30th, is Preschool Graduation. It will start promptly at 6:30 and be over, cake and all, by 7:30. If children could be here by 6:15, that would be great. It will take place in the church, so come to the entrance by the flagpole at the big school!
Hard to believe our preschool time is so quickly coming to an end!! I have loved having this year with you!!
Mrs. Schneck
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