We are planning on a week of super fun!! Our theme this week is superheroes and how to be one!
Table activities include superhero free play, Hulk slime, superhero puzzles and patterns, make yourself a superhero and a super sensory bin.
Small group activities are making a superhero mask, putting yourself in a super hero scene and what's super about us for our journals.
KDIs for the week are-
Self-identity: Children have a positive self-identity.- God has created each one of these children in a special way!! You are his priceless treasure! Jesus loved each one of us enough to die for us!! We are super!
Moral development: Children develop an internal sense of right and wrong.-Superheroes always do the right thing whether they feel like it or not.
Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts. - We are learning to talk to each other and be super patient and super kind with each other.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about Thomas. The first time that Jesus appeared to his disciples, Thomas wasn't with them. Even though we don't know for sure where Thomas was, we do know that he was a twin. I like to think that he was giving his twin brother a heads up as to what happened to Jesus and what might happen to Jesus' followers. When Thomas returned, he didn't believe that Jesus really rose from the dead. He stated, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”(John 20:25)
The disciples were locked in the room once again when Jesus appeared one week after his first appearance. This time Thomas was there. Jesus went right up to Thomas and said, Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20:27)
Thomas proclaimed, "My Lord and My God!"
Jesus then gives a blessing to us by blessing those who have not seen, yet have believed! How blessed we are that the Holy Spirit works faith through the Word in us!
Books of the week- "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" by Shelly Becker, "Bedtime for Batman" by Michael Dahl,illustrated by Ethen Beavers, "Good Morning, Superman" by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Omar Lozano and "Sweet Dreams, Supergirl" by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Omar Lozano.
Kindergarten visits will start next week. If you would not like your child to have a visit, please email me. Otherwise, each child will go with a friend for a short visit from about 8:30-9:45, just to get a taste of kindergarten. I will send each parent an email saying when your child is scheduled to go and you can drop them off in the kindergarten room in the big school and then they will come here at the kindergarteners first recess.
Have a super week!!
Mrs. Schneck
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