Monday, April 30, 2018
Blog for April 30, May 2 and 4
We are talking about bugs this week and using the words "Giant Bug" to hear the two sounds of Gg.
Table activities include exploring with rubber bugs, making playdough bugs, creating bugs with paper, making bug "fossils", pattern block bugs and dot painting bugs.
Small group this week are counting bugs, making a bug model out of Crayola model magic and adding a Gg page to our journals.
KDIs of the week are-
Counting: Children count things.- How many bugs go in each jar?
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - learning about bug body parts
Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others. - We are trying more and more to put ourselves in each other's places. Sometimes children don't realize how they are seen by others and how they may make others feel.
Jesus Time- Last week we heard about Jesus' ascension. Before he ascended, Jesus told his disciples to wait for a special gift in Jerusalem. The disciples waited, probably in the same locked room they hid in after Jesus' death. They were alone, they spent time in prayer and conversation. Ten days after Jesus' ascension, there was a noise like a loud wind- everyone heard it, not just the disciples. Then what looked like tongues of fire appeared on the disciples heads and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak in languages that they hadn't learned before so they could tell others about Jesus in their own language. Peter went out and preached about Jesus, what had happened to him, whose fault it was (ours) and what Jesus death and resurrection meant. Over 3000 believed and repented that day. The Holy Spirit also comes to us through God's Word and creates faith in our hearts! Thank you Jesus for sending your Spirit to be with us as we tell others about you!
Books of the week- "Ants" by Lisa J. Amstutz, "Some Bugs" by Angela Diterlizzi, "The Very Lonely Firefly" by Eric Carle and "These Bees Count" by Alison Formento.
You should have received an attendance slip and schedule for our field trip to Camp Killarney which takes place on Wednesday, May 9th. Hopefully we will have wonderful weather.
Also we will be having a "Literacy Night" on Friday, May 25th. We will do a Book Swap, have snacks, information on reading to your kids and lots of fun places to read, inside and out! It will run from 6:30-8:00. If you have books you'd like to donate to swap out, you can bring them anytime to preschool. Invite your friends!
Kindergarten visits are going well! Preschool graduation will be Wednesday, May 30th at 6:30 pm in the church. The graduates will sing songs and do a poem, receive their diplomas and have a cake and punch reception afterwards! Extended Family welcome and encouraged to come.
I will be gone the week of May 14th for my youngest's high school graduation in Alaska! Mrs. Dostal and Mrs. Oetzel will be taking the reins that week, so you will be in great hands!
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck
Monday, April 23, 2018
Blog for April 23, 25 and 27
This week we are concentrating on the concept of opposites.
Table activities this week include painting on black paper with white paint and white paper with black paint, sorting big and little pompoms, playing in warm and cold water, sorting long and short and soft and hard and making necklaces out of big and little beads.
Our small group activities this week are experimenting with floating and sinking, making a long/short dog and adding a sad/happy face with what makes us sad or happy in our journals.
Our KDIs of the week are-
Spatial awareness: Children recognize spatial relationships among people and objects.- Near and Far, high or low, some opposites that include spatial relationships.
Measuring: Children measure to describe, compare, and order things. Comparing to see which one is bigger or heavier or longer.
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events.-Using our sense of touch to classify objects as soft or hard, smooth or rough.
Jesus Time- This week we are hearing about Jesus' ascension. Jesus had appeared to his disciples and others many times in the 40 days after his resurrection. He was on the beach one morning while his disciples were out fishing, just like they used to do before. They weren't having much luck. So he called out to have them put their net down on the other side. When Peter realized it was Jesus, he through off his coat and waded back to shore. After they had eaten, Jesus called Peter over and asked him three times if he loved him. Peter replied that, "Yes, Lord I love you!" Jesus asked him to feed his lambs and sheep. When the time came for Jesus to return to heaven, the disciples and others were gathered around him on a hill outside Jerusalem. Jesus gave them their mission- Go and tell the whole world about me! I will always be with you until the end of the world! As he raised his hands to bless them, he was lifted up into the sky and the disciples stood there watching until a cloud hid him from view. As the disciples were staring up, two angels appeared and reassured them that Jesus would come back the same way he went up. May God keep us in His word and in His grace until He returns!!
Books of the week- "The Foot Book" by Dr. Suess, "Marta! Big and Small" by Jen Arena, "Big Bear Small Mouse" by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman and "Opposites" by Eric Carle.
Kindergarten visit emails went out today!
God bless you with a phenomenal week!!
Mrs. Schneck
I'll leave you with a video of some ballet that our class has been into for a couple of weeks!
4 year old dance
Table activities this week include painting on black paper with white paint and white paper with black paint, sorting big and little pompoms, playing in warm and cold water, sorting long and short and soft and hard and making necklaces out of big and little beads.
Our small group activities this week are experimenting with floating and sinking, making a long/short dog and adding a sad/happy face with what makes us sad or happy in our journals.
Our KDIs of the week are-
Spatial awareness: Children recognize spatial relationships among people and objects.- Near and Far, high or low, some opposites that include spatial relationships.
Measuring: Children measure to describe, compare, and order things. Comparing to see which one is bigger or heavier or longer.
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events.-Using our sense of touch to classify objects as soft or hard, smooth or rough.
Jesus Time- This week we are hearing about Jesus' ascension. Jesus had appeared to his disciples and others many times in the 40 days after his resurrection. He was on the beach one morning while his disciples were out fishing, just like they used to do before. They weren't having much luck. So he called out to have them put their net down on the other side. When Peter realized it was Jesus, he through off his coat and waded back to shore. After they had eaten, Jesus called Peter over and asked him three times if he loved him. Peter replied that, "Yes, Lord I love you!" Jesus asked him to feed his lambs and sheep. When the time came for Jesus to return to heaven, the disciples and others were gathered around him on a hill outside Jerusalem. Jesus gave them their mission- Go and tell the whole world about me! I will always be with you until the end of the world! As he raised his hands to bless them, he was lifted up into the sky and the disciples stood there watching until a cloud hid him from view. As the disciples were staring up, two angels appeared and reassured them that Jesus would come back the same way he went up. May God keep us in His word and in His grace until He returns!!
Books of the week- "The Foot Book" by Dr. Suess, "Marta! Big and Small" by Jen Arena, "Big Bear Small Mouse" by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman and "Opposites" by Eric Carle.
Kindergarten visit emails went out today!
God bless you with a phenomenal week!!
Mrs. Schneck
I'll leave you with a video of some ballet that our class has been into for a couple of weeks!
4 year old dance
Monday, April 16, 2018
Blog for April 16, 18 and 20
We are planning on a week of super fun!! Our theme this week is superheroes and how to be one!
Table activities include superhero free play, Hulk slime, superhero puzzles and patterns, make yourself a superhero and a super sensory bin.
Small group activities are making a superhero mask, putting yourself in a super hero scene and what's super about us for our journals.
KDIs for the week are-
Self-identity: Children have a positive self-identity.- God has created each one of these children in a special way!! You are his priceless treasure! Jesus loved each one of us enough to die for us!! We are super!
Moral development: Children develop an internal sense of right and wrong.-Superheroes always do the right thing whether they feel like it or not.
Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts. - We are learning to talk to each other and be super patient and super kind with each other.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about Thomas. The first time that Jesus appeared to his disciples, Thomas wasn't with them. Even though we don't know for sure where Thomas was, we do know that he was a twin. I like to think that he was giving his twin brother a heads up as to what happened to Jesus and what might happen to Jesus' followers. When Thomas returned, he didn't believe that Jesus really rose from the dead. He stated, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”(John 20:25)
The disciples were locked in the room once again when Jesus appeared one week after his first appearance. This time Thomas was there. Jesus went right up to Thomas and said, Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20:27)
Thomas proclaimed, "My Lord and My God!"
Jesus then gives a blessing to us by blessing those who have not seen, yet have believed! How blessed we are that the Holy Spirit works faith through the Word in us!
Books of the week- "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" by Shelly Becker, "Bedtime for Batman" by Michael Dahl,illustrated by Ethen Beavers, "Good Morning, Superman" by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Omar Lozano and "Sweet Dreams, Supergirl" by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Omar Lozano.
Kindergarten visits will start next week. If you would not like your child to have a visit, please email me. Otherwise, each child will go with a friend for a short visit from about 8:30-9:45, just to get a taste of kindergarten. I will send each parent an email saying when your child is scheduled to go and you can drop them off in the kindergarten room in the big school and then they will come here at the kindergarteners first recess.
Have a super week!!
Mrs. Schneck
Monday, April 9, 2018
Blog for April 9, 11 and 13
Welcome back from spring break! It seems like spring is taking a break itself, but hopefully it will be here soon!!
This week we are listening and looking for the letter Xx, like we hear at the end of box. We are playing with boxes this week!
Morning activities include free play with boxes, coloring inside and outside the box, making and decorating little boxes and cardboard stackers.
Small group activities are decorating a box and adding Xx is for box to our journal.
KDIs for the week are-
Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play- What can you imagine your boxes to be?
Gross-motor skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles.-Big muscles and balance to stack boxes!
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play. -We are working together to build and pretend.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about how Jesus appeared to the disciples on their way to Emmaus and in the locked room in Jerusalem. The women had seen angels in the tomb and told the disciples what they said- Jesus is Risen!! The disciples still doubted the women's words. Ten of the eleven were locked in a room, fearful of the Romans, despondent over the death of their teacher, hopeless. Two other followers of Jesus were walking to the town of Emmaus, about 7 miles away from Jerusalem. As they walked, they talked about the events of the past week, Jesus triumphal entry, his betrayal, his trial, crucifixion and death. A third man joined them and asked what they were talking about. They were amazed that he hadn't heard about the news in Jerusalem, so they filled him in. As they walked, he asked them questions about Jesus, leading them from Old Testament prophecy to prophecy, showing how Jesus was the fulfillment of the promised Messiah. They stopped to eat and invited him to sit with them. As he lifted the bread to bless it, their eyes were opened! THEY HAD BEEN TALKING TO JESUS THE WHOLE TIME! He disappeared from their sight and they ran back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples what they had seen. Jesus also appeared among the 10 in the locked room. He showed them his hands, feet and side and asked for something to eat to prove he wasn't a ghost. Thomas was missing. Jesus blessed and encouraged his disciples! There is so much more proof, but we believe without seeing. Jesus calls us blessed!!
Books of the week- "Fox in Socks" by Dr. Suess, "We're in the Wrong Book" by Richard Byrne and "Not a Box" by Antoinette Portis.
Have a terrific week!!
Mrs. Schneck
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