Table activities in the morning are a frog pond with plastic frogs to find, frog poppers to get those little fingers strong, frog prints, sticky frogs catching flies, lily pad counting and picking up flies with tweezers.
Our letter is Rr for Ribbit.
Some of the KDIs we are looking at this week are-
Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world.- We use what we already know to build on what we don't know. We shared what we knew about frogs and taught each other things we didn't know.
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds. - We are really working on this as we get closer to kindergarten. Most already have a great start and knowledge!
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen- We have a live frog in our classroom, what will it do? We make predictions as we read books about frogs.
Jesus Time- We are listening to the story of Palm Sunday this week. This Sunday, April 9th, is Palm Sunday. We celebrate Jesus entering into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey which signifies peace. He came to bring peace between God and man by his sacrificial death on the cross. We talked about how the people shouting "Hosanna" were the same ones shouting "Crucify Him!" on Friday. Thanks be to Jesus that he continued on his journey to the cross for us.
We also talked about donkeys having a cross on their backs to remind us of Jesus being carried by a donkey.
Books of the Week- "Hop Jump" by Ellen Walsh, "The Big Wide Mouth Frog" by Ana Martin Larranaga, and "Ten Tiny Tadpoles" by Debbie Tarbett.
Have a great week! I'll see many of you for parent teacher conferences! If you haven't signed up- here's the link-
Mrs. Schneck
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