Wow! How time flies!! It's the last week of April and we are learning about birds!
Table activities this week include- painting with feathers, bird identification cards and models to look at, spaghetti nests, picking up worms with tweezers or clothespins, painting little birdhouses and nest/number eggs match.
Our letter of the week is Nn for nest.
Some KDIs we will be concentrating on this week are-
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and
events.- What makes an animal a bird? Does it have to fly? Does it have feathers? We look at bird characteristics.
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye
coordination in using their small muscles- Using lots of little muscles just like birds use their claws or beaks.
Drawing conclusions: Children draw conclusions based on
their experiences and observations. - What do you know, want to know and what did you learn about birds this week.
Jesus Time- Have you ever heard a story you just couldn't believe or you thought was too good to be true? That is where we see Jesus' disciple Thomas this week. The women were coming to the disciples with accounts of Jesus resurrection, the tomb was empty, the disciples were scared. Ten of the remaining disciples locked themselves in a room in Jerusalem out of fear of Jesus' enemies. Thomas was not with them, we don't know where he was, but he was a twin, perhaps he was warning his brother of what might happen. As the disciples were hiding out, Jesus appeared in their midst. He invited them to touch him, put their fingers where the nails had been, put their hand where the spear had entered. The disciples thought at first he was a ghost. He asked them for something to eat to prove he wasn't. They believed!
When Thomas rejoined the disciples, they told him what had happened and he didn't believe it. He said, "Unless I see the nail marks and put my fingers in them, touch his side and put my hand in the spear wound, I will not believe." Next Sunday evening, 11 disciples are locked in the same room, including Thomas this time, when Jesus appeared. He stood before Thomas and Thomas fell to his knees, and declared, "My Lord and My God!" Jesus invited him to touch and see and then he said, "Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed." That's us! We haven't seen Jesus, yet we believe in Him! We are blessed! Stop doubting and believe! May the Lord give us firm faith to weather any storm of doubt that may come our way!
Books of the Week- "Bluebird's Nest" by Dorothea DePrisco, "Little Owl's Night" by Divya Srinivasan, "Six Crows" by Leo Lionni, and we looked at "Baby Birds and How They Grow" a National Geographic Book.
Preschool Graduation will take place on WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st at 6:30 pm in the church, a reception will be held afterwards in the multipurpose room. The graduation itself will be about 30 minutes. I will send out some nice invitations for you to share on Friday! Please join us!
God's blessings on your week!
Mrs. Schneck
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Blog for April 19 and 21
Happy Easter! Jesus is risen! We are celebrating Easter this week at Peace Lutheran Preschool.
Table activities are an Easter sensory box filled with grass and baskets and other Easter goodies, Easter egg play, stack them, fill them, match them. We will have some scissors cutting practice to cut eggs and create an egg collage.
Our KDIs this week include-
Diversity: Children understand that people have diverse characteristics, interests, and abilities.- We all celebrate Easter, but maybe not with the same traditions. What does your family do to make Easter special? What do other families do?
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles.- From snapping together eggs to cutting with scissors, painting with Q-tips and stringing beads on pipe cleaners, we are using our fingers this week.
Jesus Time- He is risen! He is risen, indeed! We learn about Jesus' resurrection from the dead this week. Jesus was placed into a tomb provided by Joseph of Arimathea. The women who had followed Jesus to the cross made plans to further prepare his body for burial on Sunday morning, after the Sabbath. Jesus' enemies were still concerned that his disciples would try to steal the body and claim that he rose, so they pestered Pilate to place guards in front of the tomb and seal the stone. During the night, the ground shook, angels appeared and the stone rolled away. The guards fainted only to gain consciousness later to see the tomb empty. When the women came, they worried about how they were going to roll away the stone, only to see angels who gave them the message that Jesus had risen and to go tell the disciples.
The disciples doubted the women's words, but Peter and John rushed to see what had happened. They saw the empty tomb.
Later, Mary Magdalene returned. She was weeping, trying to find her Lord's body, when he appeared to her and told her he was alive, just as he said!
We sang the song "Alive, alive, alive forevermore! My Jesus is alive, Alive forevermore! Alive, alive, alive forevermore, My Jesus is alive!!
Books of the Week- "Sad News, Glad News" by Lois Rock and Louise Rawlings, "The Easter Story" retold by Allia Zobel-Nolan, and "What is Easter?" by Lillie James.
See you at Domino Farms Thursday! Dressed for the weather! God bless your week!
Mrs. Schneck
Table activities are an Easter sensory box filled with grass and baskets and other Easter goodies, Easter egg play, stack them, fill them, match them. We will have some scissors cutting practice to cut eggs and create an egg collage.
Our KDIs this week include-
Diversity: Children understand that people have diverse characteristics, interests, and abilities.- We all celebrate Easter, but maybe not with the same traditions. What does your family do to make Easter special? What do other families do?
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles.- From snapping together eggs to cutting with scissors, painting with Q-tips and stringing beads on pipe cleaners, we are using our fingers this week.
Jesus Time- He is risen! He is risen, indeed! We learn about Jesus' resurrection from the dead this week. Jesus was placed into a tomb provided by Joseph of Arimathea. The women who had followed Jesus to the cross made plans to further prepare his body for burial on Sunday morning, after the Sabbath. Jesus' enemies were still concerned that his disciples would try to steal the body and claim that he rose, so they pestered Pilate to place guards in front of the tomb and seal the stone. During the night, the ground shook, angels appeared and the stone rolled away. The guards fainted only to gain consciousness later to see the tomb empty. When the women came, they worried about how they were going to roll away the stone, only to see angels who gave them the message that Jesus had risen and to go tell the disciples.
The disciples doubted the women's words, but Peter and John rushed to see what had happened. They saw the empty tomb.
Later, Mary Magdalene returned. She was weeping, trying to find her Lord's body, when he appeared to her and told her he was alive, just as he said!
We sang the song "Alive, alive, alive forevermore! My Jesus is alive, Alive forevermore! Alive, alive, alive forevermore, My Jesus is alive!!
Books of the Week- "Sad News, Glad News" by Lois Rock and Louise Rawlings, "The Easter Story" retold by Allia Zobel-Nolan, and "What is Easter?" by Lillie James.
See you at Domino Farms Thursday! Dressed for the weather! God bless your week!
Mrs. Schneck
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Reminders and address
Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, April 17th due to Easter. We will have school on Wednesday, April 19th.
Also the address for Domino Farms for your GPS is 3001 Earhart Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
See you tomorrow!
Also the address for Domino Farms for your GPS is 3001 Earhart Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
See you tomorrow!
Monday, April 10, 2017
Blog for April 10, 12 and 14
God bless your Holy Week!
This week we are talking about what it means to be a friend. We are friends with everyone in preschool, so our letter is Ee for everyone. Jesus also died for everyone. We are talking about that too.
Table activities this week are things we can do with friends, using pattern blocks, chains, decorating "friends", art together, making puzzles with a little help from our friends.
KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Building relationships: Children build relationships with other children and adults.- We are talking about what it means to be a friend to others.
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play. - We have specific activities to work together on today.
Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others.- We made bags today that others can drop notes into during the week. We want to encourage each other, not tear one another down.
Jesus Time- This week's story is a difficult one- Jesus is before Pilate and is crucified. After Palm Sunday and his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus spends the week teaching and preaching in Jerusalem, in the temple courts, all over! Jerusalem is packed full of people ready to celebrate the Passover, their annual remembrance of God leading the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt long ago. On Thursday evening, Jesus and his disciples are celebrating their Passover meal. Judas leaves to report to Jesus' enemies where he is and betrays him in the Garden of Gethsemane later that evening with a kiss. Jesus is arrested and taken to the Jewish leaders, but they do not have the power to condemn him to death. He is taken to the Roman ruler, Pontius Pilate, and Pilate is told that he claimed to be a king. Treason against the Roman Caesar! Pilate is stuck, he knows Jesus is innocent, but if word gets back to Rome that he let a man who claimed king go, he would be in trouble. He has Jesus whipped and beaten to try to evoke sympathy from the gathered crowd. Instead he is confronted with demands of "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate washes his hands to demonstrate that he is not taking responsibility for Jesus death and hands him over to be crucified.
Jesus is so weak, he can't carry the part of his cross that they give him. He is nailed to the cross, but says, "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing."
The only disciple who remains with him to the crucifixion is John. He gives his mother, Mary, into John's care. He asks for a drink. He tells the thief on the cross next to him that he will see him in heaven after that thief comes to faith. He cries out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" during the time of darkness from 12noon until 3pm. He proclaims "It is finished" when he has suffered for our sins and then says "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." Then he dies. All for us! We talked about Jesus being buried in a cave by Joseph and Nicodemus. But the kids would not let Jesus stay there, they wanted to know the rest! He is risen!! We will talk more about the next part of the story next week!
It is a hard story to hear and understand. God bless your Holy Week!
Books of the Week- "Stellaluna" by Janell Cannon, "How to Grow a Friend" by Sara Gillingham and "Friends to the Rescue" by Suzanne Chiew.
The attendance slip for Domino Farms will come home later this week! We are set to go there on the 20th of April!
Have a blessed Easter!
Mrs. Schneck
This week we are talking about what it means to be a friend. We are friends with everyone in preschool, so our letter is Ee for everyone. Jesus also died for everyone. We are talking about that too.
Table activities this week are things we can do with friends, using pattern blocks, chains, decorating "friends", art together, making puzzles with a little help from our friends.
KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Building relationships: Children build relationships with other children and adults.- We are talking about what it means to be a friend to others.
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play. - We have specific activities to work together on today.
Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others.- We made bags today that others can drop notes into during the week. We want to encourage each other, not tear one another down.
Jesus Time- This week's story is a difficult one- Jesus is before Pilate and is crucified. After Palm Sunday and his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus spends the week teaching and preaching in Jerusalem, in the temple courts, all over! Jerusalem is packed full of people ready to celebrate the Passover, their annual remembrance of God leading the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt long ago. On Thursday evening, Jesus and his disciples are celebrating their Passover meal. Judas leaves to report to Jesus' enemies where he is and betrays him in the Garden of Gethsemane later that evening with a kiss. Jesus is arrested and taken to the Jewish leaders, but they do not have the power to condemn him to death. He is taken to the Roman ruler, Pontius Pilate, and Pilate is told that he claimed to be a king. Treason against the Roman Caesar! Pilate is stuck, he knows Jesus is innocent, but if word gets back to Rome that he let a man who claimed king go, he would be in trouble. He has Jesus whipped and beaten to try to evoke sympathy from the gathered crowd. Instead he is confronted with demands of "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate washes his hands to demonstrate that he is not taking responsibility for Jesus death and hands him over to be crucified.
Jesus is so weak, he can't carry the part of his cross that they give him. He is nailed to the cross, but says, "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing."
The only disciple who remains with him to the crucifixion is John. He gives his mother, Mary, into John's care. He asks for a drink. He tells the thief on the cross next to him that he will see him in heaven after that thief comes to faith. He cries out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" during the time of darkness from 12noon until 3pm. He proclaims "It is finished" when he has suffered for our sins and then says "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." Then he dies. All for us! We talked about Jesus being buried in a cave by Joseph and Nicodemus. But the kids would not let Jesus stay there, they wanted to know the rest! He is risen!! We will talk more about the next part of the story next week!
It is a hard story to hear and understand. God bless your Holy Week!
Books of the Week- "Stellaluna" by Janell Cannon, "How to Grow a Friend" by Sara Gillingham and "Friends to the Rescue" by Suzanne Chiew.
The attendance slip for Domino Farms will come home later this week! We are set to go there on the 20th of April!
Have a blessed Easter!
Mrs. Schneck
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Blog for April 3, 5 and 7
Welcome back!! We are hoping for a little spring to come hopping our way and we are talking about and learning about and playing with frogs and toads this week!
Table activities in the morning are a frog pond with plastic frogs to find, frog poppers to get those little fingers strong, frog prints, sticky frogs catching flies, lily pad counting and picking up flies with tweezers.
Our letter is Rr for Ribbit.
Some of the KDIs we are looking at this week are-
Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world.- We use what we already know to build on what we don't know. We shared what we knew about frogs and taught each other things we didn't know.
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds. - We are really working on this as we get closer to kindergarten. Most already have a great start and knowledge!
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen- We have a live frog in our classroom, what will it do? We make predictions as we read books about frogs.
Jesus Time- We are listening to the story of Palm Sunday this week. This Sunday, April 9th, is Palm Sunday. We celebrate Jesus entering into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey which signifies peace. He came to bring peace between God and man by his sacrificial death on the cross. We talked about how the people shouting "Hosanna" were the same ones shouting "Crucify Him!" on Friday. Thanks be to Jesus that he continued on his journey to the cross for us.
We also talked about donkeys having a cross on their backs to remind us of Jesus being carried by a donkey.

Books of the Week- "Hop Jump" by Ellen Walsh, "The Big Wide Mouth Frog" by Ana Martin Larranaga, and "Ten Tiny Tadpoles" by Debbie Tarbett.
Have a great week! I'll see many of you for parent teacher conferences! If you haven't signed up- here's the link-
Mrs. Schneck
Table activities in the morning are a frog pond with plastic frogs to find, frog poppers to get those little fingers strong, frog prints, sticky frogs catching flies, lily pad counting and picking up flies with tweezers.
Our letter is Rr for Ribbit.
Some of the KDIs we are looking at this week are-
Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world.- We use what we already know to build on what we don't know. We shared what we knew about frogs and taught each other things we didn't know.
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds. - We are really working on this as we get closer to kindergarten. Most already have a great start and knowledge!
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen- We have a live frog in our classroom, what will it do? We make predictions as we read books about frogs.
Jesus Time- We are listening to the story of Palm Sunday this week. This Sunday, April 9th, is Palm Sunday. We celebrate Jesus entering into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey which signifies peace. He came to bring peace between God and man by his sacrificial death on the cross. We talked about how the people shouting "Hosanna" were the same ones shouting "Crucify Him!" on Friday. Thanks be to Jesus that he continued on his journey to the cross for us.
We also talked about donkeys having a cross on their backs to remind us of Jesus being carried by a donkey.
Books of the Week- "Hop Jump" by Ellen Walsh, "The Big Wide Mouth Frog" by Ana Martin Larranaga, and "Ten Tiny Tadpoles" by Debbie Tarbett.
Have a great week! I'll see many of you for parent teacher conferences! If you haven't signed up- here's the link-
Mrs. Schneck
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