This week we are looking at the letter Tt for turkey and for Thanksgiving. We talked about the sound t makes when it is all alone and the different sound it makes when it teams up with h.
We practiced our fine motor skills by putting feathers into the holes of colanders-
We also used fine motor to paint Indian corn with lego stamps.
We used our letter knowledge to put the letters from our names in order as we glued them on as the tail feathers to our name turkeys.
Our Bible Story this week is David and Goliath. God can and does use little people to solve big problems!! We can do anything God needs us to do when He is on our side!!
Our books for the week are "Let's Celebrate God's Blessings on Thanksgiving Day" by Lise Caldwell and "Clifford's Thanksgiving" by Norman Bridwell.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Dostal
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