This week we are experimenting with upside down and listening for the sound of Uu.
Table activities include stacking upside down cups, coloring on an upside down table, weaving on upside down table legs, coloring upside down pictures and turning cups and bowls upside down in water play.
Small group activities are using our muscles to put large rubber bands on upside down chair legs making squares, triangles and x's, and then taking them off again and adding a Uu to our journals. On Wednesday, our visit from the Leslie Science Center from 9:15-10:00 will take the place of our small group.
On Wednesday we will learn about how animals get ready for winter! Parents are welcome to come watch. Still drop off and pick up at the usual times.
KDIs of the week are-
Body awareness: Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space.- We tried turning our bodies to look upside down at our names written upside down on the board, hung upside down on a chair to throw a ball, weird ways our bodies may not have moved before.
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - Leslie Science Center will help us with this concept!
Jesus Time- Now we move ahead until Jesus is twelve years old and attending Passover in Jerusalem with his parents for the first time. Jesus and his extended family travel from Nazareth to Jerusalem to spend a week worshiping at the temple and visiting with each other. When it is time to return to Nazareth, Jesus is not with Mary and Joseph, but they assume he is traveling with family or friends making their way back home. When night comes and Jesus still isn't around, they become worried and return to Jerusalem to find him. They searched the city for three days. When they finally find Jesus, he is sitting in the temple fielding questions from the scribes and elders, who are amazed at the knowledge of this young boy. Mary and Joseph ask him why he worried them by disappearing. He stated that he had to be about his Father's business. Jesus was reminding them who he was and why he came, not to be a carpenter in Nazareth, but to be the Savior of the world. He went home with them and the Bible tells us that he grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. Jesus does what he needs to do to accomplish our salvation, living a perfect life and dying an innocent death. He was both true man and true God.
Books for the week- "Round-trip" by Ann Jonas, "Silly Sally" by Audrey Wood and "Upside Down Day" by Julian Scheer.
Wednesday we have our visit from Leslie Science and Nature Center from 9:15-10:00 and on Tuesday, January 22nd, all are welcome to join us at Airtime on Warren Rd from 9:45-12:15 for a school wide field trip on the trampoline!
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck