Monday, February 26, 2018

Blog for February 26-March 2

Image result for ice

Ii is for ice this week!

Table activities include ice explore- what happens if we sprinkle ice with sugar, colored sugar, salt or sprinkles, rescuing iced in plastic animals, building with ice cubes, painting an "ice" fort, making an ice palace with sugar cubes and playing with orbees on ice.

Our small group activities are painting with frozen paint, painting ice with watercolors, and adding Ii is for ice to our journals.

KDIs for the week are-

Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world- The question this week is "What do you think will happen?" taking what you know and applying it to something new is important to learning.

 Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- What does ice turn into? What different forms does matter take? (Although we don't use the word matter.) Learning about solids, liquids and gases.

Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds. - We have talked about and added three vowels to journal. What makes vowels different? What letters are vowels? 

 Jesus Time- This week we are hearing about Jesus feeding more than 5000 people with two fish and five small loaves of bread. Jesus had been teaching and healing a large crowd of people as they walked along following him. When mealtime came, they were far from home or towns. The disciples told Jesus to send them all home and Jesus instructed his disciples to find food for all the people. The disciples protested, saying it would take more than a year's wages to feed all these people, besides there was no where to buy that much food. One disciple found a young boy with a lunch of two fish and five loaves. He instructed the disciples to get the people seated and he took the lunch, thanked God for it and began to break it into pieces and give it to the disciples to pass out. Everyone ate until they were full. Then Jesus instructed his disciples to pick up the leftovers. They came back with 12 baskets full of leftovers! Unfortunately, this made many of the people want to make Jesus their king because they'd never have to cook or buy food again. That wasn't why Jesus came. He came to give us spiritual life! 

Books of the week- "A Ball for Daisy" by Chris Raschka, "A Stranger in the Woods" by Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoick, and "Hap-pea all Year" by Keith Baker.

We have school on Friday even though the K-8 school does not. However, because there is no big school, there is no aftercare on Friday! Next field trip Michigan Science Center, Thursday, March 15 at 10:00am. More information coming next week!!

Sun's out, we are out!! Might want to send rain boots, just for the mud for the week!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Short week for the Ocean!

This week we are learning about the ocean and the letter Oo.

Table activities are a beach and ocean sensory bin, dot painting ocean creatures and using pattern blocks to make ocean creatures.

Small group work includes cutting out pictures of ocean creatures and gluing them on popsicle sticks to use as puppets and adding Oo is for ocean to our journals.

The KDIs for the week are-

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world- We are learning and experiencing alot this week about creatures who live in the oceans.

 Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles.- Using our scissors skills this week! 

Jesus Time-

This week we see Jesus come out to his disciples while they are taking a boat across the Sea of Galilee. 
    Jesus had just finished feeding more than 5000 people with two fish and five loaves and people wanted to make him King so they would never have to find food again, not because he would save them from their sins! Jesus sought solitude. He went off by himself to pray and told the disciples he would meet them on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. 
    As the disciples were crossing the sea, a storm blew up and during the storm, a figure began to walk across the water to them. They thought it was a ghost! But Jesus called out to them who he was. Peter called back, "If it really is you, call me out to walk across the water to you." Jesus said, "Come!" Peter began to walk across the water, keeping his eyes on Jesus. Then a huge wave came and Peter took his eyes off his Lord and he began to sink. He cried out for help and Jesus saved him. Jesus reminded Peter that if he would have kept his eyes on Jesus, he wouldn't have started to drown. Jesus got into the boat and the seas calmed.
    How often do we do just that, we take our eyes off Jesus and the storms and cares of this life start to pull us down and drown us in worries, anxiety, anger, you name it! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, he is there for you! And if you do glance away, call out for him and he will rescue you!

Thanks to all who came to the field trip today!! It was probably the best experience you can have for a dollar in Detroit!!

If you know anyone interested in a preschool for next year or any other grade, Peace is having an open house this Sunday, February 25th from 2-4pm. We'd love the opportunity to show them around and answer any questions we can about joining the family of Peace!!

Spirit Week next week! Monday is comfy cozy day (pajama day)! Come in your nice, warm pjs!

Have a great week!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Blog for February 12-16, 2018

Image result for valentines heart Vv is for Valentines! That is our letter and our theme this week!

Table activities include candy heart sorting, decorating sticky hearts, cup tower building, Valentines playdough, stringing heart beads on pipe cleaners and a Valentines sensory bin.

Small group activities are decorating our own Valentines' bag with drawings and stickers, sorting our Valentines and experimenting with baking soda hearts and vinegar.

The KDIs for the week are-

Number words and symbols: Children recognize and use number words and symbols.- For planning today we rolled a die and counted out that many candy hearts. We will work on number recognition again this week.

Counting: Children count things. - how many valentines do you have? We will count to make sure everyone has the right number.

Emotions: Children recognize, label, and regulate their feelings.- We are talking about love and how we show it this week.

Jesus Time- Wow, Jesus showed a lot of love in our stories this week. First we hear of how he healed a paralyzed man who was lowered down in front of him from the roof of a house. Jesus was preaching and healing in a small town and the house he was in was full. Four men, friends of a fifth man who was paralyzed, were desperate to reach him. So they carefully climbed with their friend to the roof of the house Jesus was in and removed some roof tiles to let their friend down right in front of Jesus. When Jesus sees this man, he has compassion and says to the man, "Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven." Some of those listening thought, how can he say that? Who does he think he is? They were not happy with Jesus message of full and free forgiveness, they wanted people to follow their rules to be saved, not rely on a Savior who would do it all for them. To show his power, Jesus also said to the man, "Get up, take up your mat and walk." And the man did!! Jesus is God! We also heard the story of Jairus' daughter. Jesus was in a city, people were pressing all around him and a synagogue leader came to beg him to come to his home and heal his young daughter who was sick. When he and Jesus arrived at his home, he was told it was too late, his daughter was dead. Jesus said, "She's not dead, she's only sleeping." The grieving people thought he didn't know what he was talking about. Jesus went in with the girl's parents and his disciples. He took the little girl by the hand and said, "Little girl, get up." And she did! He told her mother to give her something to eat and he went on his way. Jesus showed so much love to those around him. He didn't do things for his own glory, just to help people who he loved. Just to help US! 

Books of the week- "Love Bugs" by David A. Carter, "Pete the Cat Valentine's Day is Cool" by Kimberly and James Dean, "Hedgehugs" by Steve Wilson and Lucy Tapper and "I Love Hugs" by Camilla de la Bedoyere.

Bring your Valentines on Wednesday!

Bring your attendance slip for Belle Isle on Friday. There may be a cost to park, if you have a recreation passport for the state park system it is absolutely free, but there is a booth, but I have heard that no one is ever there. Just so you are aware there might be.

Have a week full of love!

Mrs. Schneck

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Last Frontier!

Image result for Alaska

This week we are looking at and talking about one of my favorite places, ALASKA!

Aa is for Alaska, and all the fun stuff you can see and do there!

Table activities this week are- play in an arctic sensory bin, color and cut dogs and dogsleds, make an Inukshuk (rock person), color tin foil fish, Alaska coloring pages and design an Igloo.

Small group activities are making a part of a totem pole, a Northern Lights painting and adding Aa is for Alaska to our journals.

Books of the week are- "The Itchy Little Musk Ox" by Tricia Brown, "Mukluks for Annabelle" a story of elephant mukluks, by Dianne Barske, "Alaska's Twelve Days of Summer" by Pat Chamberlin-Calamar, illustrated by Shannon Cartwright, "Over in the Arctic" by Marianne Berkes and "Bear Story" by Joy Martin, illustrated by Shannon Cartwright.

KDIs of the week are-
Geography: Children recognize and interpret features and locations in their environment. - We talk about mountains, lakes, rivers, tundra, forests, lots of different places, some we have in Michigan, some not.

History: Children understand past, present, and future.- Putting ourselves where we are, what happened before, where did we live before, where are we now, where will we go in the future?

Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment. - All the animals need a place to live, clean water and wilderness are parts we need too.

Jesus Time- This week we see that Jesus even has power over the weather. Jesus had been preaching, teaching and healing all day. He and his disciples were going to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee for some peace. Because of the land around the Sea of Galilee, storms could whip up without warning. That is what happened this evening. Jesus was exhausted and he lay down on a cushion and fell asleep. Suddenly, a storm whipped up! The waves were crashing over the sides of the boat, the wind was gusting. The disciples thought they were going to die. Remember that the disciples were fishermen, they had experienced a storm or two in their lives, for them to be this afraid, it must have been quite a violent storm. Finally, they woke Jesus up, and asked him, "Don't you care if we die? We are about to drown!" He asked them, "Why are you so afraid? Don't you believe I can save you?" He then spoke to the storm, "Peace. Be still." 
Immediately, the wind and waves stopped. The disciples were amazed, they asked each other, "Who is this that even the wind and the rain obeys him?" He is our Savior, he is the one who not only created the wind and the rain, but he created us and he knows everything about us! How many hairs are on our heads, what dreams we have and how much we need him. He loved us enough to die for each one of us! He will always love us, even if we don't love him back. 

Scholastic book orders will go home on Wednesday!

Belle Isle attendance slip will also go home on Wednesday, but here it is too!

Have an amazing week!
Mrs. Schneck

On Thursday, February 22nd, Peace Lutheran Preschool is taking a field trip to Belle Isle Aquarium, 3, Inselruhe Ave, Detroit, MI 48207

Our scheduled time is 9:30am.

It is a self guided tour, so you can take as long as you like at each exhibit. They are beautiful! Fresh water sting rays, Dory and Nemo (trigger fish and clown fish), eels, turtles and more.

The cost is only $1 per student.

Please let me know by Friday, February 16th if you are attending or not.

We do not have school on February 19 and 20, the Monday and Tuesday right before the field trip, so keep it in mind!!

________________________________ will be attending the Belle Isle Aquarium field trip.
(child’s name)

_______________________________ will not be attending the Belle Isle Aquarium field trip.
(child’s name)

___________________________________________ ______________________________

Signature Date