Monday, March 20, 2017

Blog for March 20, 22, 24

Trees are budding and starting to leaf out! Spring is in the air. This week we are talking about forests, trees and leaves.

Table activities this week center around wood, this morning we made sculptures with twigs, leaves and playdoh and we did leaf rubbings. We will look at cut wooden discs, bark and other tree activities.

Some KDIs we are looking at this week are-
Movement: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through movement- We can pretend to be different things while moving to music.

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- We are looking inside trees and a different kinds of forests throughout the world.

Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment.- Trees provide paper and all sorts of different things that we can be careful not to waste.

Jesus Time- Our story this week has a tree as a main character. A tax collector named Zaccheus was anxious to see Jesus. He had heard that Jesus was friends even with tax collectors who everyone usually hated. Zaccheus had one small problem, he was small, short, and there was no way he could see Jesus over the crowds. So, Zaccheus climbed a tree! As Jesus passed by, he looked up in that tree, called to Zaccheus and invited himself to his house. Jesus went to Zaccheus' house for the evening meal and Zaccheus turned his life around. He stopped stealing from his fellow Israelites and paid back double what he had stolen. We should be just as desperate to see and hear from Jesus. He loves us and wants to be with us!!

Books of the Week- "The Umbrella" by Jan Brett, "Owl Moon" by Jane Yolen.

Remember to attend Kindergarten Round Up tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21st, 5:30-6:30! Find out more about our program! Your children spent time in the kindergarten room, this is your opportunity to check it out!!

Next week, NO SCHOOL, it is Spring Break!! We will see you in April! Show and Tell schedules will go home on Wednesday!

Have a great week!!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, March 13, 2017

Blog for March 13, 15 and 17

Wow! What weather! Our theme for this week is "spring" ! Man or teacher plans, and God laughs!! The week I planned snow, it was 70 degrees, this week, I planned spring, we get 4 inches of snow!

Table activities this week are dirt and seeds, pinwheel making, kites and flower petal counting.

Some of the KDIs week are-
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events. - We are looking at different seeds and plants.
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - What does wind do? We will get to learn more about nature and the natural world at the Leslie Science and Nature center.

Jesus Time - This week we see Jesus take time to bless some little children. Traditionally, children weren't part of worship until they were 13. The disciples thought they were doing Jesus a favor by keeping the children away from him, but He told them not to do it! The kingdom of heaven is made up of those with child-like faith and trust. Those children believed that Jesus was their Savior, they didn't doubt it or question it, they believed that He had to do it all, they couldn't do it for themselves. He blessed each child and loved them too!

Books of the Week- "Flora's Very Windy Day" by Jeanne Birdsall, "Rain!" by Linda Ashman, "Worm Weather" by Jean Taft and other rainy, windy weather books.

Wednesday is our field trip to Leslie Science and Nature Center located at 1831 Traver Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

We will meet there at 10:00 am and we will be outside, no matter the weather!

If you are not coming to the field trip, there is no school on Wednesday and I will see you Friday!!

Also, I don't know if preschool parents are aware, but I have been teaching 7th and 8th grade in the afternoons due to the teacher in that classroom suddenly resigning. Due to this, I will be doing parent-teacher conferences for the 7th and 8th grades. I will not be able to do 46 conferences in two afternoons! So, I would like to postpone preschool conferences to the week of April 3-7. I will send out a Sign Up Genius by the end of the week for you to schedule them.
Thanks for your understanding!
Mrs. Schneck

Monday, March 6, 2017

Blog for March 6, 8 and 10

Mush! Gee! Haw! Let's Go!
This week we are learning about Alaska! Today the mushers left Fairbanks to begin the 1000+ mile trek to Nome in the Iditarod! I am excited to share my love of Alaska and those dog teams with the preschoolers!

Table activities- Today we played with arctic animals in "snow", we made igloos, we will play in other Arctic sensory bins, color some Alaskan coloring pages and design some sled dogs.

Some KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- We looked at and made some Northern Lights. We heard about Denali and Alaskan animals.

Geography: Children recognize and interpret features and locations in their environment.- We looked at mountains, talked about glaciers and lakes, rivers and meadows.

 History: Children understand past, present, and future- We talked about and will learn more about how the dog sled became so important. How things are moved long distances today.

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of the 10 Lepers. In Jesus' day, leprosy was a horrible disease. You were disfigured and ill, you had to leave your family and friends because leprosy was also contagious. You lost all that was near and dear to you. Imagine these 10 men, brought together because of this horrible disease and they hear rumors of someone who could cure it. This Jesus has healed the sick, raised people from the dead, fed thousands of people, blind see, deaf hear! We need to see him! They call to Jesus to help them. Jesus has compassion on them and tells them to go show themselves to the priest. The priest was the only one who could confirm that they were healed and able to go home. They ran, they knew they were being healed. They could go home! See their families! All ran to see the priest, all but one. One stopped, turned around and ran! Ran to Jesus! He threw himself at Jesus'feet and fell down in enormous gratitude for what had been given to him! Jesus helped him up and said, "Didn't I heal ten? Where are the other 9?" Wow!! How often do we forget to say thank you to our Lord? The sun rose today,  I wake up in a warm house with clothes for my back, food for my belly and a car to spare my feet the walk! Thank you, Jesus!!

Books of the Week- "Granite" by Susan Butcher and David Monson, "Up on Denali" by Shelley Gill and Shannon Cartwright, "Alaska's 12 Days of Summer" also by Shelley Gill and Shannon Cartwright. We may read some other Alaska books this week too!

Next week Wednesday we have a field trip to the Leslie Nature Center in Ann Arbor. The cost is $5 each. An information and attendance slip will be coming home on Wednesday.

So let's go on our Alaskan journey for the week! If you are interested in sharing the Iditarod with your kids there are great websites to see the start on! My favorite musher is Dallas Seavey! My daughter took this picture four years ago, when he was just getting started. He's won four so far! The other pic is of the dogs, they love to run!!

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Image may contain: 1 person