This week we are going to be talking about and learning about pets. Pets are lots of fun and lots of responsibility. Come on Tuesday at 9:30 to hear Westland Humane Society talk about pets!!
Table activities this week focus on our pets! We will match pets with their homes, experiment with printing some pets' footprints, use bone shaped cookie cutters to make prints, and decorate bones. We will also have some pretend pet store play.
The KDIs we focus on this week are-
Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play.- We will have fun pretending to take care of our pets.
Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment.- Especially our responsibility when pets are part of our lives.
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play.- We play different roles in our pretend play, some are customers, some cashiers, some workers. We all learn to take turns.
Jesus Time- Our story this week is the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus tells his followers a striking story. A man is on a journey and is robbed and beaten. He is lying near the road. This man is a Jew and a Jewish priest and a priest's assistant walk by, crossing to the other side of the road, in order to avoid helping this man. A Samaritan walks by and takes the man, places him on his donkey, cleans him up and takes him to an inn. He gives the innkeeper enough money to take care of the man for several days and promises to return to pay more if there is a need. What is so surprising about this story is that Jews and Samaritans were enemies. They would not normally help each other. This man went out of his way to help someone in need. He gave up his time and treasure and I am sure he was way out of his comfort zone. Who is our neighbor? How far would we go to help someone in need? We were Jesus enemies, but he came and gave up his life in our place. Out of love for him, we should love and care for all our neighbors!
Books of the Week- " Not Norman" by Kelly Bennett, "Clifford's Kitten" by Norman Bridwell, and "Angus and the Ducks" by Marjorie Flack.
A reminder about the Spirit Days this week-
Monday- Comfy, Cozy Day-

Wednesday- Guys in Ties, Girls in Pearls-
Friday- Crazy, mixed up day-
Don't forget Spirit NIGHT on Thursday from 6-7:30! Come enjoy a root beer float, pep rally and have fun throwing pies!!
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck